Best of 2021: a dozen posts from the Blog you need to read


Over the year that’s soon to expire, the CS.MONEY Blog has published hundreds of posts. We elaborated on skins, game updates, operations, and eSports — covering, in other words, all things Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Now, it’s time to draw a line and choose the Blog’s coolest entries of 2021. Things you must absolutely read!  


CS:GO settings

  • What is FPS and how you can increase it in CS:GO
    Valve’s competitive shooter requires a high FPS for comfortable play. But just how high? 100 FPS? 200? 

    We found the perfect value and even listed the settings that can help you increase FPS by half or even more. Spoiler: the best way to boost FPS is to decrease resolution — but it’s not the only option.
  • CS:GO Settings: Viewmodel
    The CS.MONEY Blog explained how to adjust the Viewmodel, why you need it, and why sometimes the best thing you can do is stick with the game’s default settings. Moreover, we added some pro settings examples. Try them out — maybe they’ll be just what the doctor ordered for you!
  • CS:GO grenade binds
    Statistically, a player spends every fourth dollar on grenades. Impressive. A well-thrown grenade can win an entire round. To make such throws more often, you need to set up binds for grenades. It’s quick and simple — make sure you don’t disregard this aspect of the game. 

Selections & skins

  • 3$ masterpieces
    We carefully studied the range of weapon designs in the game and analyzed the purchase stats. Based on this info, we collected the top 10 skins for $3 —  the ultimate eye candy for flaunting in-game. A wonderful selection you can refer to in case you want to complement your inventory with new stuff for the price of Cyberpunk 2077. Then again, unlike Cyberpunk, this selection will bring you badass skins and lots of fun instead of countless freezes and tons of disappointment. Choose wisely!
  • Play like NAVI
    2021 was the best year in the history of Natus Vincere: the team won everything there was to win, including the Intel Grand Slam and the Major. Now we can with certainty that an impressive three players in the lineup will be among the top 20 players according to HLTV, with Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev at the very top! Bottom line: this year witnessed the advent of the NAVI era. 

    But why did the team succeed? What are the qualities that help the guys lift one cup after another over their heads? We found the answers to these questions and found some appropriate skins after rummaging through the players’ inventories. So if you’re a Born To Win fan, be sure to check out what skins used by your favorite pros you can grab.
  • The Most Expensive CS:GO Stickers
    Stickers are not only a great way to customize your skin, but also a good investment. We determined the most expensive stickers in CS:GO and found out why their price tag is so huge. 

Maps, cash and smoking barrels

  • Tuscan: The Missing Link
    The Counter-Strike series is notoriously conservative. The drop of a new gun or rotation of competitive maps are massive events that unfailingly cause a stir. As for the maps though, there’s a unique precedent. We cover the fate of the legendary Tuscan map and say whether it’s worth waiting for its return to Majors.
  • Best cases in CS:GO. Cases you should open first!
    Every day, players open an immeasurable number of Gabe’s Yellow Boxes in search of luck. But which is the most profitable case to open? Should you invest in opening old eSports cases or, conversely, open some treasure troves from the latest operation? Or maybe there’s a buggy case that always gives good drops? The answers to all of these questions are all here.
  • Higher skill = the more expensive skin: true or false?
    Skins mean skill. While it sounds like a joke, the statement actually turned out to be true. We did some research together with and found out that having a knife in your inventory correlates with your rank! The same is true for gloves. And the Dragon Lore AWP. And other expensive skins. A paradox? We don’t think so. 

You don’t have to wait until the end of the year to learn about the most interesting stuff on the CS.MONEY Blog. Sign up for our newsletter, and you’ll always get amazing content at your fingertips in one email. No spam — only distilled, first-rate content. 

And do not forget that we are in the midst of a Xmas robbery, where you can make yourself a gift yourself!




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