Playing CS:GO with style: BLAST Premier World Finals


The last big CS:GO tournament of 2022 will introduce eight top teams fighting for a million dollars and the title. Abu Dhabi is going to witness a dozen of fierce battle for sure. 

BLAST Premier tournaments are known for many good components. We couldn’t miss an opportunity to think about CS:GO skins fitting well for BLAST design and style-wise. 

AK-47 Point Disarray

One of the key parts of BLAST’s unique visual style is geometric ornaments with many broken lines. Point Disarray’s creators offer a bright colour scheme and a stylish 3D art. Suits almost pefrectly!

Galil AR Sugar Rush

What is the probability of SLIMEface, the creator of Sugar Rush, and the person responsible for BLAST Key Visual were inspired by each other’s works? This Galil has an interesting colour scheme and diagonal lines on its mag. It’s hard to find a skin resembling better with the BLAST visual spirit than Sugar Rush…

Desert Eagle Ocean Drive

… except for Ocean Drive! Kiku, the creator of this pistol, decided to play with a slightly different visual idea, which led to creation of a beautiful Desert Eagle. The colour mix and the combination of geometric figures brought us to such a visual masterpiece.

M4A1-S Decimator

Another shiny weapon finish made in neon tones. It also has a cool geometric pattern. Coridium did a great job, and the popularity of this skin only proves that. Will we see it in action in Abu Dhabi?

M249 Downtown

This gun has only recently appeared in the game (through Recoil Case, to be exact), but it looks stunning. The Honey Badger created a masterpiece inspired by street art; numerous arrows only add dynamics to it.

CZ75-Auto Tacticat

Cute and simple skin with a minimalistic design. And with a beloved cat paw on it. But have you heard that Abu Dhabi has special places where you can bring food to stray cats? Sometimes, not only your teammates need a drop. Be kind!

MAC-10 Gold Brick

You could have noticed that almost all previous weapon finishes are in the same colour scheme. However, the BLAST Premier World Finals have another key colour which was not represented. We’re watching the year’s grand finale, right? So, nothing but gold matters. That’s why we added this MAC-10, as something that would click with the winner’s cup.

BLAST Premier World Finals is hosted in Abu Dhabi on December 14-18, and CS.MONEY is a proud partner of the tournament. Visit our website so that you won’t miss tasty offers!




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