Ready To Sign: Best CS:GO Free Agents


While eight teams are getting ready for the final tournament of the year, BLAST Premier World Final, speaking of most teams on the competitive scene, they consider 2022 over. The players are currently vacating before coming back with energy boosts. The rumours are already spreading, and fairly enough, there will be drastic roster changes. And now this pause is a great time for making some adjustments.

In this article, CS.MONEY Blog chose several players without a team who can become a decent addition to almost any team.


The twenty-year-old Swede, unfortunately, couldn’t fit into Fnatic’s structure. Caught in the middle: arguably too strong for the academy roster, but couldn’t make it to the core of the main squad. Peppe is a good option for teams looking to rise in the ranks. He could also fit in some established teams if they find a correct role and approach for the player.


Nikolay Bitukov is known for his appearances with Vega Squadron, Gambit Esports and Team Spirit. Most of 2022 he spent in Entropiq where he performed well. However, the management decided to place the entire roster on the transfer list. His experience might be valuable, especially for a team with many young guns.


The young player, who was a part of Spirit Academy, decided to gain experience in INDE IRAE and Aurora. Aurora surprisedly put him on a transfer list despite decent stats in the last three months. Aleksander is only eighteen, so he still has quite a potential.


The twenty-four-year player from Turkey could already be considered a well-known CS:GO guardian. His first big team, Hellraisers, signed him more than five years ago. Yet Woxic is still in his prime and more than able to bring serious firepower. In Eternal Fire, he had the second-best rating after XANTARES and did a decent job of being a second option. Right now, Woxic is looking for an international roster. He knows English as well, so his CV might be attractive to many teams.

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Spiidi & Denis

Recently Cowana announced its closure. Their CS:GO roster had two experienced and pretty renown players: a German duo that previously played together in Sprout, Mouz and Penta. They have both great stats and experience playing at the top level.


The Czech player lost his place in SINNERS to a much more experienced Oskar. At the same time, his former teammates outline forsyy’s patient and structured AWP playing style. With a high probability, he just wasn’t that compatible with SINNERS’ game structure, so he quit. This doesn’t mean he won’t fit anywhere.


Finally, we couldn’t mention the scandalous Dane. Even though he’s a frequent headline guest, Kristian has lots of experience and great personal performance. While it might be risky to invite himnd-in for Heroic instead of stavn, who took a short break for personal matters. Although this is just a one-time stand, it will be a crucial tournament for Kristian to make a statement.

Every player listed above can be a game-changer. You have a chance to become one yourself. We hid a code in this article that would bring you closer to fantastic prizes. Head on to the GameChanger Hub and wi, it’s also a reasonable thing to do. For example, at BLAST Premier World Finals, k0nfig stan!




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