Complete Set: Inventory for $75


There are hundreds of skins in Counter-Strike 2, ranging in price from a few cents to tens of thousands of dollars. Thanks to such a wide selection, you can collect inventory of any total amount. And today CS.MONEY Blog prepared a selection of skins worth 75 dollars for you! A complete ready-made set of skins for seventy-five bucks.

All these skins can be purchased separately using the links in the titles or buttons! Cheaper than Steam and much more convenient only on CS.MONEY! Click and buy.

USP-S Cortex

USP-S Cortex is painted in pastel colors. Here we see a drawing of a skeleton and chewing gum all over the place, occupying the upper part of the pistol and the silencer. As a separate bonus, there’s also a skeleton on the handle located pretty well; you can use a sticker to cover the skull and get a cool craft.

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: USP-S Cortex Minimal Wear $4

Glock-18 Block-18

The angular shapes of Glock-18 beg for comparison with the LEGO blocks. It’s a pity that we had to wait so long for such a funny skin. Glock-18 Block-18 is colorful, lively and awesome in all ways, and its appearance immediately attracts attention.

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: Glock-18 Block-18 Field-Tested $1

P250 Asiimov

Skins from the Asiimov series have long gained popularity in the community. Their easy-to-remember but bright and futuristic appearance fits any equipment. And P250 Asiimov is an excellent confirmation. Surely, you better buy Asiimov skins and other CS2 items on CS.MONEY. In our Market Mode, where we got the prices for today’s inventory, thousands of new lots appear every day. Market has everything: from popular skins worth a penny to rarest knives and gloves.

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: P250 Asiimov Field-Tested $3

Desert Eagle Trigger Discipline

Desert Eagle Trigger Discipline looks simple. Dark background, pink accents with blue and white parts. And exactly this simplicity gives the skin its special charm. Another reason to buy is the cheap price: a great Deagle skin for only a dollar.

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: Desert Eagle Trigger Discipline Minimal Wear $1

MAC-10 Sakkaku

MAC-10 Sakkaku has a cool feature. When shooting, you can see how its eyes reflect lights and shine. The effect is very cool and is especially noticeable in dark places on the map. Be sure to take a closer look the next time you buy a MAC-10!

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: MAC-10 Sakkaku Field-Tested $1

MP9 Mount Fuji

MP9 Mount Fuji depicts one of the main pillars of Japan, Mount Fuji. In addition to it, there is a place for the rising sun and a wedge of birds. As wear increases, the skin quickly becomes covered with scratches, so we advise to buy Field Tested or Minimal Wear.

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: MP9 Mount Fuji Field-Tested $4

MAG-7 Monster Call

MAG-7 Monster Call cleverly plays with the weapon reloading animation. After each shot you need to pull the forend towards you, and the trick is that you can see a frightened fish running away from the predator in the center of the shotgun! Looks like a Looney Tunes thing, right?

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: MAG-7 Monster Call Minimal Wear $1

AK-47 Head Shot

AK-47 Head Shot features huge “HEAD SHOT GUN” text. The letters themselves are drawn in shades of gray but there is a graffiti-style outline, which is holographic and changes color depending on the lighting. One of the best AK skins CS2 has.

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: AK-47 Head Shot Minimal Wear $20

AWP Chromatic Aberration

AWP Chromatic Aberration consists of two parts. First, a pink and purple striped body. Along the edges, on the butt and barrel, it’s almost black with white elements. But this skin’s main feature is, as the name suggests, an imitation of chromatic aberration. Basically, like the details of the skin are doubled.

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: AWP Chromatic Aberration Minimal Wear $10

FAMAS ZX Spectron

Black CS2 skins have a big advantage: they look good in any combination with any stickers. FAMAS ZX Spectron is almost entirely black, decorated only with four stripes above the handle and a couple of red lines. By the way, this design is inspired by PCs from the 80s.

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: FAMAS ZX Spectron Field-Tested $1

Galil AR Vandal

Galil AR Vandal is painted swamp green. This skin is very detailed: we see bullets on the magazine, flames on the butt, checkered marks near the fore-end, and much more. Separately, we note the handicraft repair of the handle, as it’s wooden and rewound with electrical tape. And the heart… Well, try to find it yourself.

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: Galil AR Vandal Minimal Wear $1

M4A4 Temukau

M4A4 Temukau quickly became a community favorite. Even too much of a favorite, because due to the hype around it in the first months after the release, the price was much higher than now. Today you can buy M4A4 Temukau for less than $15.

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: M4A4 Temukau Field-Tested $14

M4A1-S Black Lotus

M4A1-S Black Lotus is the latest addition to the M4A1-S skins line. As wear increases, this one becomes more purple while on Minimal Wear this effect cannot be noticed. But you can notice the modest price tag: the price is too low for such a beauty!

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CS.MONEY’s Choice: M4A1-S Black Lotus Minimal Wear $13

Any CS2 inventory, be it worth $75 or $500, can and should be decorated with a knife or a pair of gloves. But these are rare and expensive items. Just look at our Top 5 Best Cheap Gloves in CS2. It’s a worthy read!




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