Basic 5-Dollar Inventory


What should a player do when they want to gather a set of budget skins for the most important and meta guns in CS2? Just use this guide by CS.MONEY Blog! Here, we made a basic inventory worth no more than five dollars in total. And to save you from having to run around multiple pages searching for each skin, just click the links or jump straight to CS.MONEY, as it’s an easy way to style up your inventory. You’ll be able to find everything you need in just a few clicks!

Skins are one of the best things in Counter-Strike 2. The game may not update its map pool or experiment with machine gun prices for years, but a new case with a bunch of excellent weapon finishes appears every few months. Still, some price differences are enormous: the cheapest skins cost only a few cents, while the most expensive ones could surpass car prices. So, if you want to spend no more than five bucks on skins, we have selected the best cheap skins to compile a neat and worthy inventory.

Glock-18 Candy Apple: best cheap glock

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Solid colour skins are the meta in Counter-Strike 2. After transitioning to Source 2, these skins look even better. Moreover, they have another subtle advantage: the lack of a pattern allows for some creative sticker combinations, as the crafts can be anything. Candy Apple‘s colour is also simply pleasing to the eye.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Glock-18 Candy Apple Field-Tested for $0.22

USP-S Ticket To Hell: great cheap usp skin

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USP-S has many cool skins, but their prices are higher than those of other models. However, even among cheap skins for inventory worth $5, we’ve got a stylish skin. Ticket To Hell gives off alternative metal or industrial horror vibes but never dullness.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: USP-S Ticket To Hell Field-Tested for $0.28

Desert Eagle Corinthian: best cheap deagle skin

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Due to its bulkiness, this legendary pistol allows skin designers’ fantasies to run wild. Sometimes, though, it’s best to draw inspiration from real life. Corinthian‘s carved pattern on bronze adds style and the skin costs just a quarter dollar.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Desert Eagle Corinthian Field-Tested for $0.25

P250 Valence

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While Desert Eagle demands patience and confidence, P250’s compactness calls for something futuristic. Fortunately, there’s a cheap skin that fits this bill: Valence boasts a stylish mix of blue, black, and white, multiplied by geometric patterns. This skin looks better than its price suggests.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: P250 Valence Minimal Wear for $0.17

Nova Candy Apple

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Nova is a must-have shotgun that can be skillfully used in the tricky corners of various maps (like on short Dust 2). We’ve already mentioned the advantages of the Candy Apple Series above. Since this is all about building an inventory worth less than five dollars, it makes sense to consider skin series combinations.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Nova Candy Apple Field-Tested for $0.06

MAC-10 Candy Apple

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Another weapon from the series will please you in economic rounds. MAC-10 is often used in force buys and farm rounds, and its shape just begs for some stickers: Eco Rush, Arms Race, or maybe esports stickers like FaZe Clan. It’s a canvas!

CS.MONEY’s Choice: MAC-10 Candy Apple Factory New for $0.12

MP9 Capillary

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Regarding a submachine gun for CTs, MP9 is quite a reasonable option. Unfortunately, the skins for this weapon aren’t exactly amazing, but there is one interesting option: Capillary. The blood vessel pattern stands out enough to be noticeable but not distracting. We’ll talk about another advantage below.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: MP9 Capillary Minimal Wear for $0.30

AWP Capillary: cheap AWP skin

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The plus is that we create another combo in our inventory. AWP is one of the most expensive weapons not only in the game but also in terms of skins. There aren’t many cheap and interesting skins for it. Capillary remains such an option, especially at a low float.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: AWP Capillary Minimal Wear for $0.36

M4A4 Magnesium

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We will offer two options for M4: the difference between A4 and A1-S is now only $100, and especially in pubs, it all comes down to personal preference. For the non-silenced rifle, we suggest Magnesium, a minimalist design with taste that looks better in Source 2, as the metal textures received a graphical buff.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: M4A4 Magnesium Field-Tested for $0.15

M4A1-S Nitro: best budget M4 skin

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And this M4A1-S cheap skin is simply decent and great. Nitro has a great black and orange design, which is an awesome crafting base. Fnatic, Apeks,, choose any team with an orange logo and show your individuality!

CS.MONEY’s Choice: M4A1-S Nitro Field-Tested for $0.56

AK-47 Slate: Best cheap AK

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So far, we’ve picked very cheap skins, but there must be a highlight. AK-47 Slate is one of the most popular skins overall; it doesn’t look bad even at a high float, and you can stick any stickers on it. It’s a completely fail-proof option!

CS.MONEY’s Choice: AK-47 Slate Well-Worn for $2.31

Counter-Strike 2 is a magical game: not only does it have captivating gameplay, but also skins for every taste and budget. CS.MONEY can help you assemble your inventory quickly, easily, and inexpensively. See for yourself!




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