Fade Patterns: What Is Full Fade?


The Fade pattern covers dozens of skins. And for each of these skins, the rarity is different, which significantly affects the price. Therefore, if you want to buy or sell a Fade skin, you should carefully study the rare patterns.

CS.MONEY Blog puts together all the knives and looks at the criteria for rare Fade patterns for each blade.

Fade Percentiles

Each Fade skin has 1001 variations. It is determined by the pattern number, which ranges from 1 to 1000. Depending on the pattern, the price also changes. The most valuable are knives with the so-called Full Fade. This term refers to the percentage blade’s color gradient coverage. Usually, it is 80 to 100 percent, although larger or smaller values ​​may be highlighted in some cases. For example, Falchion Knife can have 110% coverage.

Bowie Knife Fade

For simplicity in this guide, we will consider 100% synonymous with Full Fade and vice versa. Note that this is not necessarily a joke or a hack if someone offers you a knife with 110% coverage. Such a designation may be used specifically for this type of knife. In Falchion Knife’s case, 110% means that in addition to the blade, the gradient is also visible on the handle.

Exceptional cases of separation by % are Talon Knife and Karambit. These knives are also divided by percentage, but individual colors are indicated. For example, 90/5/5 means the blade is 90% pink, 5% purple, and 5% yellow.

The general rule for determining the value of a knife with a Fade pattern is high percentage and low float means high price.

Float Is Also Key

All Fade knives have 0 to 0.08 float. This means that Fade knives can only be Factory New and Minimal Wear. Despite the small range, the float has a powerful effect on the cost of the knife. The fact is, with the float’s growth, blades of Fade knives become covered with very noticeable scratches. Each scratch reduces the knife’s price, so carefully inspect the blade before purchasing.

M9 Bayonet Fade

An important nuance: you need to pay attention not only to the float value but also to how it affects the appearance of the skin. For example, a Karambit Fade with a low float and noticeable wear in the so-called corners (the edges of the blade at the junction with the handle) will be cheaper than a Karambit Fade with a higher float but without worn corners.

To sum up: Fade knife prices are affected by their pattern, the number of visible scratches, and the float value. Always keep these three factors in mind when buying or selling a knife so you won’t be tricked.

Full Fade and 99%

Due to the nature of Fade skins, Full Fade has fake versions. They are often referred to as such and are labeled as 99% Fade. Real Full Fade and 99% Fade are very similar, so you need to look at the pattern number during the exchange as only it can guarantee that you get a Full Fade.

Below, for your convenience, is a list of all Full Fade patterns for knives. Also, you can visit our Wiki: it has a special checkbox that allows you to filter out only rare patterns for each skin.

  • Full Fade Karambit and Full Fade Talon Knife: 16, 129, 146, 152, 241, 281, 292, 332, 344, 359, 393, 412, 541, 602, 628, 649, 673, 688, 701, 743, 777, 792, 918, 994
  • Full Fade Butterfly Knife, Classic Knife, Nomad Knife, Paracord Knife, Skeleton Knife, Stiletto Knife, Survival Knife, Ursus Knife and Shadow Daggers: 41, 87, 93, 205, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 527, 575, 583, 601, 636, 651, 742, 763, 807, 892, 897, 910, 911, 961
  • Full Fade M9 Bayonet: 41, 87, 93, 205, 326, 341, 348, 403, 422, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 583, 601, 636, 651, 668, 714, 742, 763, 807, 892, 897, 910, 911, 961
  • Full Fade Bayonet: 34, 41, 87, 93, 205, 256, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 583, 601, 636, 651, 668, 714, 742, 763, 807, 848, 892, 897, 910, 911, 944, 961
  • Full Fade Falchion Knife: 41, 87, 93, 326, 341, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 636, 651, 763, 897, 910, 911, 961
  • Full Fade Huntsman Knife: 41, 87, 93, 205, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 601, 636, 651, 668, 714, 763, 807, 892, 897, 910, 911, 961
  • Full Fade Bowie Knife: 34, 41, 87, 93, 105, 205, 256, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 576, 583, 601, 636, 648, 651, 668, 714, 742, 763, 807, 892, 897, 910, 911, 944, 961, 975
  • Full Fade Gut Knife: 41, 87, 93, 326, 341, 403, 468, 520, 521, 575, 636, 651, 763, 897, 910, 911, 961
  • Full Fade Flip Knife: 41, 87, 93, 205, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 521, 527, 575, 601, 636, 651, 668, 714, 763, 807, 848, 897, 910, 911, 961
  • Full Fade Navaja Knife: 41, 87, 93, 205, 326, 341, 348, 403, 468, 520, 527, 575, 583, 601, 636, 651, 742, 763, 807, 897, 910, 911, 961

Other Fade Skins

Navaja Knife Fade

In addition to knives, Fade skins are available for Specialist Gloves, Glock-18, R8 Revolver, MP7, MAC-10, AWP, and UMP-45. These skins’ appearance also depends on the pattern, but it does not affect the price as much as with knives. Still, do not forget about it. For example, if you want to collect a full-purple inventory, AWP Fade with pattern 87 will look much better than the same skin but with pattern number 415.

Expensive items include not only knives with rare patterns but also other peculiars. For example, you can spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on each of the 8 unique stickers from past Majors. Want to know what these stickers are and why they’re so expensive? Welcome to the CS.MONEY Blog.




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