Ultimate Dragon Lore Guide: Story, Prices, Rarity


Dragon Lore is one of the most iconic skins in Counter-Strike 2. It is extremely rare, expensive, and prestigious. Today, CS.MONEY Blog tells DLore’s story, how much AWP Dragon Lore in CS2 costs, and why this skin is so expensive.

all about dragon lore awp cs2

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Description of AWP Dragon Lore

Dragon Lore is an AWP skin with primary colours of olive and red. The former serves as the background on most of the body, while the Dragon itself is in red. The Dragon’s body is also adorned with Celtic ornaments and the chessboard pattern on the scope, barrel, and stock only adds to its beauty.

AWP Dragon Lore’s Float Value varies between 0 and 0.70. It’s important to understand that this skin wears poorly: scratches and damage is visible almost everywhere and only the dragon stays the same.

Why is Dragon Lore so prestigious and famous?

In brief, Dragon Lore’s fame consists of four factors:

  1. It’s an AWP skin, one of the most popular weapons in the game.
  2. It still looks incredibly cool.
  3. It’s a fairly old skin, and people love artifacts.
  4. It’s exceptionally rare.

The first point doesn’t need detailed explanations. Even the coolest skins on out-of-meta weapons are cheaper than their counterparts on popular guns. Take AUG Akihabara Accept and AWP Medusa, for example: CS2 has around 4500 pieces of each but Akihabara Accept looks brighter and costs less ($2000 for Minimal Wear versus $2400 for Battle-Scarred).

We’ve already described the visuals above, and while it may not appeal to everyone, it’s a very detailed and beautiful skin that stands out. And even in CS2, there are few designs that can compete with it.

Dragon Lore was released in CS:GO in the summer of 2014. At that time, there were several bright AWP skins in the game, including Boom, Lightning Strike, and Asiimov, but none of them were EPIC. Dragon Lore stood out. Considering that Valve intentionally made this skin very rare, we initially had an incredibly prestigious skin that has only grown in price and status over time.

How rare is Dragon Lore?

In almost ten years of skins, the community got just over 6500 Dragon Lores. This is very little. And it almost won’t increase. The trick is in the mechanism of how you can get AWP Dragon Lore.

Dragon Lore belongs to the Cobblestone Collection, and you can receive it by either opening a souvenir Cobblestone Case or through a Trade-Up Contract (souvenir case skins must also be involved). Cobblestone was in the competitive pool of Counter-Strike from 2014 to 2018 and has seen ten majors. However, the system of obtaining souvenir cases was significantly different. Souvenir Cobblestone Cases randomly dropped to Major viewers: the drop percentage was low, and the cases dropped were determined by a map people watched. Cobblestone was not the most popular map, so the number of dropped cases was also small.

More importantly, Cobblestone is unlikely to return to the competitive map pool in the near future. It’s unclear if this map will be in CS2 in the first place. For this reason, there will be no influx of new souvenir cases, and Dragon Lore becomes rarer and rarer. This affects its price.

How much does Dragon Lore cost?

The beauty of the skin, combined with its blatant rarity, immediately led to a frenzy. In 2014, the skin already cost $300 (compare that to AWP Duality, a relatively fresh and beautiful skin available for $20 in Factory New). Over time, its cost increased many times.

As of the spring of 2024, the price for a simple Battle-Scarred Dragon Lore starts from $5300, and it looks very poor, like really. If we talk about Factory New, you’ll need to pay at least $15,000.

Souvenir skins can cost much more. There are just over 100 souvenir Dragon Lores, and if they also have memorable stickers with autographs of famous players, the cost can be much, much higher. One of the skins was reportedly sold for around $250,000.

Dragon Lore is the showcase of any major skin collector, and rightfully so. Don’t forget that you can start trading skins with CS.MONEY right now, to make your own Dragon Lore become closer!




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