Four Things Expected From A New CS:GO Operation


The Christmas season is coming, and many new releases and sales are coming. With a high probability, Valve would not stay away from that. In the case of our beloved CS:GO, one of the best ways to attract attention is to release a new operation. CS.MONEY Blog decided to share its expectations.

What is the probability?

Pretty high, to be honest. First, look at the release dates of the three latest CS:GO Operations: all of them came out closer to the end of the year than to its beginning. It would be presumptuous to rely solely on that fact, so here’s another observation. At BLAST Paris Major, predictably the world’s most prestigious CS:GO tournament, Anubis will debut in the competitive map pool. It’s a new map which does not have a weapon collection. Remember that the Ancient collection was introduced during the Broken Fang operation. Game developers also used it to renew collections related to the maps from the competitive pool (Train, Dust 2, Vertigo, Mirage)

We’re approaching the optimal moment to make players happy with the new souvenir cases. That’s why we think that the operation will come relatively soon. What do we expect to see there?

New collections

With high probability, we might see the Anubis collection and the new Inferno, Nuke and Overpass collections. The last time we saw Inferno and Nuke cases was back in 2018, while Overpass has its original collection in the souvenir cases! Moreover, the 2021 Mirage, Ancient and Vertigo cases have Covert rifles as bonus drops, while Nuke, Inferno and Overpass don’t have them. It seems logical to wait for an update.

Considering Anubis, a map made around Egyptian mythology, we may expect some skins that have the spirit of the Great Pyramid of Giza as well as a warm colour palette. For example, AWP Solanum, which we featured in our collection of best skins from the Workshop.

Remember that all new skins will be available on the CS.MONEY Market. The Black Friday Event is LIVE: sellers have lowered fees, while buyers can top-up their balance with 0% commission.

Battle Pass & New Game Modes

Isn’t it a great time to bring back missions? We think Valve might. The main question is whether there will be any enjoyable new ones. Can’t tell for sure until we get them. 

Regarding new game modes, that’s a thing we eagerly wait for. During Operation Riptide, the developers introduced short competitive matches. Operation Broken Fang showed us the Retake mode. Rumour has it, Valve thinks about dedicated 1v1 servers. We don’t know if they will become a reality, but this is where Gabe can experiment a little. And that’s a good thing to try our. Remember CS: Source tiny maps? 

Other Stuff

Also, some people suggest that Valve can significantly change Danger Zone. For example, they can add a new map made in winter style. Office?

And as alway, we expect a bunch of new community-made maps to test. Who knows, maybe there will be a new Anubis among them, yet another candidate for the competitive map pool. Too early to guess, but a player can dream.

There will likely be lots of misc things that would not lead to significant changes in the competitive scene, but it would be fun to play between matchmaking.

Source 2?

Despite all the leaks, it most likely will not happen even though many top-hardware enjoyers dream about it. But only time will tell.




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