PGL Copenhagen Major Update: Viewer Pass, Stickers, Pick’ems


The first Counter-Strike 2 Major will begin in Copenhagen this week! However, up until the last moment, this historic event lacked two important things: stickers and Pick’Ems. While we still need to wait a bit for the stickers, Viewer Pass along with the predictions is already available in CS2! CS.MONEY Blog shows it all.

Anyways, if you’re looking for stickers or skins at low prices, visit CS.MONEY as we have a huge variety of options, cheap offers and handy interface!

New anti-record for sticker release?

Overall, such a late release of stickers and Viewer Pass for Valve is quite traditional. They often released stickers a week before the start of the major and in the case of Paris Major, the difference was four days. Now, this anti-record has already been broken, but perhaps it’s because Valve has changed its policy regarding autographs. The company refused several players’ stickers made by designers and asked them to submit simpler versions that could easily be written on fans’ mouse pads in real life. Therefore, the overall quality of autographs, so to speak, has decreased.

It’s possible that some players didn’t manage to submit their updated autographs in time. That’s why Valve decided to release the Viewer Pass first, with the sticker capsules coming a little later.

What’s new? Viewer Pass and Pick’Ems

In general, everything follows the well-known scheme. If you want to get rewards for your Pick’Em predictions, you still have to pay $10, as before. However, now all players with Prime accounts can participate in Pick’Em for free! The downside being that you won’t get anything but personal satisfaction.

The Pick’Em Challenge remains the same, but there’s one innovation in the first two stages. Now you can guess two teams that will finish the Swiss Stage with a score of 3-0 and 0-3. On one hand, this seems like a buff to regular Pick’Em enjoyers: you now choose ten teams instead of eight, but you still need five correct answers to complete the challenge. However, there’s a catch.

Remember, you need to be careful with your prediction for 3-0: if a team advances to the next stage but with a different score, you ruin two of your predictions at once. That’s why you can ruin not two but four predictions now! One possible strategy is to bet on a team for 3-0, which is extremely unstable and has both a high ceiling and a low floor. In the opening stage, one such team is Imperial.

However, having two teams in the 0-3 zone adds chances without any traps. Guessing two losers is not an easy task, but players get an additional opportunity to pass the challenge.

What do the PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 stickers look like?

All PGL Copenhagen Major 2024 team stickers are available for browsing by the link below or via here.

Even though the stickers haven’t been officially released yet, dataminers have already posted all possible variations of team stickers from 2024 CS2 Major. Considering the remaining time, it’s highly unlikely that this is fake. PGL has continued its idea of stickers without background, and the current stickers even more strongly resemble the legendary Katowice 2014 stickers. Moreover, the one-coloured tournament signature under the team logo makes these stickers arguably the coolest in the game in terms of visuals.

Yes, the PGL Major Copenhagen stickers won’t have the same rarity status that the Kato 14 stickers have now, but who knows how the situation will turn out seven or ten years from now?

Which teams got their first stickers?

Speaking of teams, seven teams received first stickers in their history:

  • 9Pandas
  • SAW
  • Ecstatic
  • Lynn Vision
  • Koi
  • Legacy

Almost a third of all teams are new which is a great result, and the most important thing is that you can come up with interesting crafts with these new logos. Remember, you can now position them on weapons as you like, and the stickers’ design favours creativity, so we expect masterpieces from the community!

When will the first Major for CS2 take place?

PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 will run from March 17 to March 31. The tournament champion will receive half a million dollars, and the total prize pool is $1,250,000.




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