Interview with Senkizh, creator of P90 Freight


Thought that graffiti on skins were just pictures? Among the authors of skins, there are also the most real masters of street art who decorate not only the game. One of them is Senkizh, co-author of P90| Freight.

CS.MONEY presents a series of interviews with the best skin creators! And we start with the artists whose works were recently included in the Fracture Case.

Tell us a little about yourself.

– Hi, my name is Senkizh, I’m 25, I draw graffiti, and I love CS:GO.

How did you start making skins? 

– About 5 years ago, Seee found my best friend and suggested that they draw together. That’s how we discovered the Workshop.

– If you could choose a skin from your workshop, which would you add to the game?

– M4a1s | Maestro would make a good graffiti addition to the game.

M4a1s | Maestro

How are ideas for skins born generally and where does the creation process begin?

– Ideas emerge unexpectedly, they are formed in the head in no time 🙂 There are normally a ton of them, you just have to find time to implement them. The process usually starts with sketching a concept, then a project is created in all programs.

AUG – City of the future

Why do you make skins at all? Is it profitable or do you do it for your own pleasure?

– It’s impossible to do your job without drawing pleasure from it 🙂 So, mostly the latter.

Congratulations on the release of Freight! How do you like the Fracture Case all in all? Any interesting works besides your own skins?

– Thank you! The case is very interesting and diverse. One of my favorites in this case is Ak-47 Anubis.  

You are one of the creators of P90 | Freight. This is your collaboration with 11it, and not the only one at that. As 11it told us, it was you who drew the graffiti in all your collaborative skins. Is that so?

– That’s right, but since graffiti basically boils down to fonts, 11it helped me with ideas for inscriptions. 

Sticker – Postage Stamp -Train

Do you do street art in real life? Are there P90 Freight graffiti in the real world?

– I have been doing it for over 11 years now, and I don’t think I will ever stop. 

As to graffiti with P90 Freight, so far it only exists in my sketchbook, but I do plan to implement it 🙂 

And if we take all the skins, not just Fracture Case, can you name a few of the best? From your perspective. 

– There are too many cool skins in the Workshop. I can’t single out the best ones because of their vast number.

AWP – Graffiti Bombing

Do you play CS? If you do, tell us what your favorite weapon is.
– I play with my friends, my favorite weapons include ak47, m4a4, and Desert Eagle in eco rounds. As to farm guns, I like mp-9 and Xm.

AWP – Noscope Crew

What about the maps? Any favorites?

– I really liked Seaside, but it’s not in the official map pool any longer. As for the main map pool, I dig Dust 2, Agency, Vertigo, and Overpass.

Do you follow the CS:GO competitions? Any favorite teams?

– I do sometimes. My favorite teams are Navi, Astralis with Xyp9x. I also like the play style and team speak of Forze.

AWP – Sniper Style

Any plans for the future?

– More traveling, more graffiti, and, of course, as many new skins as possible 😉

CS20 – Galil AR – Molotov

Any guidance you can give to those who are only thinking about creating their first skin?

– Just invent an original idea and develop a concept. The key is to create your own skin because you enjoy the process 🙂

M4a4 – The epistle of Faceless

Check more our Fracture Case Creators Interviews:




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