We’ve already made a selection of the 5 youngest players at the PGL Major Antwerp. Spoiler: Ilya “m0NESY” Osipov isn’t the youngest one! And today, the CS.MONEY Blog is presenting the 5 oldest participants of the Antwerp event that’s already come to its end. Still, it’s no excuse to not talk about these extraordinary guys.
Fernando “fer” Alvarenga: 30 years 191 days

This selection is primarily interesting because it includes three representatives of one and the same team. We’re talking about the Brazilians from Imperial. The squad’s youngest veteran is Fer. Although, the term “young” doesn’t really apply to a 30-year-old player in eSports.
Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo: 30 years 344 days

Imperial’s AWPer. Regular legend. And simply a kindest fella. That’s all Fallen. He has done a lot for the development of the Brazilian scene. Granted, it’s in a bit of a decline right now, but maybe it’s just that Fallen & co set the bar too high with their two Major victories over 2016?
Marco “Snappi” Pfeiffer: 31 years 335 days

The Danish player from Ence who has never demonstrated an incredibly high individual play level. He’s an old-school captain for whom cool stats are a big exception. He has very few team accomplishments under his belt, especially in big tournaments. However, towards the end of his career, Marco rediscovered himself: he got into the Ence international lineup — and has already taken it to the semifinals of a Major.
Finn “karrigan” Andersen: 32 years 25 days

Another old IGL from Denmark. Of course, his track record is much more impressive than Snappi’s. And Finn’s team is obviously stronger. Remember when Faze lost the 2018 Major? At the time, it seemed that Andersen wouldn’t get another shot. And yet, against all expectations, he’s still playing at the highest level.
Which he’s proved once again by winning this tournament’s trophy with his FaZe Clan.
Lincoln “fnx” Lau: 32 years 99 days
The oldest player in the Major is another Imperial representative. As a matter of fact, they are one of the oldest clubs in the Major. And Lincoln has the most interesting career of them all. After all, he often sidelined CS, loved partying, starred in TV shows, and got caught up in scandal.
And even in spite of it all, he managed to prove his skills and at the age of 32 managed to get to the main championship in the life of every CS:GO lover! A legend! If an extremely controversial one.

By the way, Imperial surpassed all expectations. No one believed in the Brazilian old-timers, but they almost made it to the playoffs, defeating not just anyone, but Cloud9 themselves!