4 May CS:GO Update: Snakebite case & new chickens!


Operation Broken Fang is over. On this occasion, Valve released a major update for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. We’ll cut to the chase right away: the game received a new case, a new map in the competitive pool, and, most importantly, new chickens! Let’s figure it out together with CS.MONEY.

Operation Broken Fang

  • The tenth CS:GO operation is over. Those who have operation stars left can spend them until May 15;
  • The Retake mode will remain in the game and is now available to everyone;
  • Premier player queuing is also available to everyone. Previously, only operation pass holders had access to it.


  • New case! 17 brand-new skins from the community and a chance to get a pair of gloves from the Broken Fang case.


  • The competitive map pool underwent a rotation. The map Train was removed from the list, with Ancient taking its place;
  • Grind and Mocha were added to the official map set of the game. At the same time, Apollo, Engage, and Anubis were removed from there;
  • Calavera and Pitstop were added to the map set of the Wingman mode, replacing Elysion and Guard;
  • Nuke, Ancient, and Frostbite received a number of fixes and improvements.

Other changes

  • Valve updated the chicken models. Finally, the game’s main pets received a new look as well;
  • Community maps where textures appeared black as a result of previous security patches were fixed;
  • The “\” key is once again available for binds;
  • CS:GO 360 Stats subscription service was added. It collects detailed in-game statistics.

Size of the update: about one gigabyte. 




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