You Better Not! Extraordinary Nades In CS:GO


Grenades transform CS:GO from an ordinary first-person reaction-based shooter into a tactical FPS with strategies, preparations and skill. What at first glance seems simple (hold, aim, throw!) is actually a very subtle art that glorifies the masters of their craft. Not everyone can throw a beneficial smoke or set up a neat flashbang entry!

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In this article, CS.MONEY Blog has prepared some peculiar tips on using grenades: how to learn to throw grenades quickly and what unusual nades tactics pro players have (with examples). Also, we will remind you of the basics that some might have forgotten or completely missed.

Practice Makes… Profit?

You Better Not learn how to throw nades during MM! Adrenaline and various situations won’t help you perform and remember stuff better!

There are plenty of other options besides matchmaking where you can hone your throwing skills, to be honest. Firstly, in MM, it will take much more time than when training on special Workshop maps or a dedicated server. Secondly, you will lower the quality and speed of the game and infuriate your teammates with incomprehensible moves.

So, there are two main ways: sweat on your empty server using YouTube guides or download training maps. It’s completely fine to spend a couple of hours learning stuff before going to competitive mode; on the contrary, it will allow you to surprise your teammates with at least excellent utility performance and accuracy. Moreover, you can cause waves of huge respect with your non-standard (and executed!!!) ideas. Don’t forget, by the way, to learn flashbangs timings to do pop-flashes. 

On your empty server, use the following console commands to make life easier:

  1. Bind anykey noclip is the most important one. It will allow you to track the nade’s path immediately after a throw and understand what you are doing wrong or right. By the way, we compiled this and other vital binds in a separate article about grenade binds.
  2. sv_grenade_trajectory 1 enables grenades’ trajectory.
  3. And sv_infinite_ammo 1 can be handy, so you won’t go up and down the spawn.

But if you want Workshop maps, go on. Search, add, download, launch, grind.

The first part of the promo code: 4P0.

How To Nade: 200IQ Edition

You Better Not forget that CS:GO’s main idea is not to kill the opposing team but to win a round. Therefore, don’t buy only HEs and Molotovs to damage enemies. Throwing both just to hope it will deal damage is clearly stupid. Use them wise!

Don’t rush with grenades. Attackers and Defenders need at least some information about the opponents before executing utility, not even mentioning the NEAT NADE TACTICS.

An important point that many players forget is that it is necessary to prepare and throw grenades from behind the cover, not while standing in the middle of the bombsite or in front of the defence. Fortunately, there are enough boxes and corners on all CS:GO maps. Hide, hold down the buttons, take aim, and throw. Please! Here’s an example: Dust 2, Plant A. No need to jerk back and forth behind the boxes, hoping to see an opponent on Short and throw a grenade at them. Stand calmly behind, find a corner with a view, crouch if necessary, and throw the grenade OVER the box rather than coming out from behind it.

Also, try not to use grenades if you are in a clutch or one-on-one. Nades make a pretty clear sound, easily giving away your position.

Astralis’ Imba Tactics (Friends Required)

If you play with two or three friends or just people who are communicative enough to perform such a scam, you can try to implement the Astralis Nade Tactics. Made for two cases:

  1. Eco round with one farm gun
  2. Narrows passages + quality info

It’s pretty simple. One grenade does medium area damage. But what if three grenades blow up simultaneously? Worst case scenario, you will heavily damage the opponent’s HP and make them vulnerable to your side’s farm guns. Best case scenario: you get a kill! 

OG.Aleksib once made almost a thousand damage in 15 rounds as CT on Dust 2, that is, more than 115 on average per round!

Decoy My Smoke

You Better Not throw a decoy on a plant and rush solo, hoping for your enemy to become frightened by the noise and retreat.

Decoy is a fascinating utility. Everyone ignores it because, among esports athletes, only a terrible player will buy into such (mis)intel. Fifty bucks worth, this is the most useless grenade in the game. Or isn’t it?

Second part of the promo code: X2S.

You can execute amazing things if you can be super creative with decoys. These nades can only win a few seconds. However, these moments may be just enough to win.

If you have learned all the throws well and know how to smoke CT spawn from A Plant entrance on Mirage, this can be used to distract attention. The opponent will not understand which grenade is flying at them until it starts clicking fake shots. And while the nade is in the air, your enemy can begin to give false information to the team, and they might try to retake. In these seconds, your teammates can either enter another plant and take the defence by surprise or catch a player who has lost concentration at any other point on the map. In the end, the opponent will simply start reacting to your decoy with smokes and incendiaries, disadvantaging themselves.

But obviously, all this requires perfect execution and team play peak.

Let’s sum things up. First, you need to learn how to throw grenades, at least a couple of them on two-three maps. For example, Inferno and Overpass obviously will not drop out of the map pool in the coming years and are unlikely to be changed. The second important point: use simple and stable nade throws, and only if you have a well-coordinated team can you take risks with extraordinary ideas. And third, CS:GO is still broken! The game has four legal nade bugs like mid-air or one-sided smokes and others. We wrote about this in a separate article and highly recommend reading it.

Did you like You Better Not? Its first part was about the Negev and whether it is worth using the machine gun. It turns out it’s not so worthless! And to avoid missing all the top materials, subscribe to our newsletter in the box below and receive good stuff directly via email.




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