What’s Danger Zone and How To Play It?


Danger Zone is a separate battle royale mode for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive which is about to turn five years old. But many players have never tried it! And honestly, it’s a big miss. CS.MONEY Blog talks about CS:GO’s BR and why you should play it.

What is Danger Zone and how to play it?

In case you didn’t know, all your skins from matchmaking or pubs are available in Danger Zone. Therefore, if you are thinking about upgrading your skins to play csgo battle royale, visit CS.MONEY Trade, the easiest way to style up!

What Is CS:GO Danger Zone?

Danger Zone is a battle royale mode in CS:GO with 16 or 18 players form teams of two people each. Before the map starts, you pick a landing spot and your perk. DZ maps are divided into hexes (hexagons), and over time, as in other battle royales, the safe zone shrinks. Obviously, to win a Danger Zone match, you have to survive last.

Choosing a spawn point and starting perk.

Why Is Danger Zone Good?

In short: familiar gameplay, perks and skins.

CS:GO’s Battle Royale has its own peculiarities. Each player at the beginning of the match chooses a landing site and a starting perk. Only one player can land at each point. Therefore, in the first minute of the match, players can safely explore the environment in search of equipment and weapons. Also, you get perks.

Danger Zone Perks

Starting perks can significantly affect the first minutes of a match. Here’s what you can choose from:

  • Exo Jump
  • Parachute
  • Syringe
  • Tazer
  • Shield
  • Molotov
  • С4
  • Armour + Helm
  • Drone
  • Explore Bonus 
  • Wave Bonus

Equipment and supply crates, as well as money, are scattered randomly throughout the map. It’;s CS:GO, right? So money and economics play a huge part here. Each participant has a tablet using which you can order equipment: weapons, armour, grenades or tablet upgrades.

M4A1-S Hyper Beast stays with you.

In addition to money and equipment, you can also find boxes of seven types: pistols, submachine guns, shotguns, tools, explosives, and heavy tools. Also, sometimes white boxes with especially cool supplies, like SCAR-20, are dropped onto the map. Exploring is cool, but be careful!

Danger Zone Maps

Weapons and skirmishes are the main Danger Zone gamechagers. See, DZ maps are unique: they are much larger than maps for competitive matches, arms races, or other modes. Therefore, it’s way more fun to play them, since you’ve never seen them before and have to explore everything from scratch. Here’s the list of active maps for battle royale mode in CS:GO:

  • Blacksite 
  • Ember
  • Sirocco
  • Vineyard

Moreover, it’s not that easy with guns in DZ. You get a very limited amount of ammo. So, this creates a situation that is not typical for CS:GO: often, it’s better not to start shooting, instead, you should move away and not waste ammunition, or vice versa, get as close as possible (your optimal distance) and only then join the battle. Don’t underestimate such a mechanic! It’s gamechanging.

Money & Equipment in Danger Zone

How to Earn Money in Danger Zone

Just as in the regular competitive mode, money and economics play an important role in CS:GO’s battle royale. It’s easy: you can quickly get yourself all the necessary equipment and increase your chances of winning… if you’re rich.

In DZ, you can earn money from various sources. First, loot dollar bills as they can be found on the ground or pulled out of bags. Also, you get cash for exploring the map or for the very fact of surviving when the ring narrows. Additionally, money drop from safes or granted for rescuing hostages or completing contracts.

Danger Zone Collection!

Equipment and Weapons of Danger Zone

All your cash can be spent on equipment and weapons, some of which are unique to this mode. Players in Danger Zone, in addition to access to the usual guns and armour, can also use:

  • Hammer
  • Wrench
  • Axe
  • C4
  • Tablet
  • Fists
  • Exo Jump
  • Push Mine
  • Ballistic shield
  • Radar Jammer
  • Parachute

And this is not even a complete list. Equipment provides many new opportunities: for example, Exo Jump allows you to climb high obstacles, and a modified C4 allows you to open safes with money.

By the way, when buying equipment, players won’t receive it instantly. Instead, it is delivered by a drone which drops your order. Careful! Drones can be tracked by other players! So even buying a flashbang in Danger Zone can bring death upon you.

How To Play Danger Zone?

Each Danger Zone match takes approximately 10-15 minutes. At the beginning of the match, the participants choose dropping points and starting perks. After landing, the safe zone gradually narrows. As in any battle royale, staying outside the ring will damage you, up to lethal.

If your teammate dies, and you’re still safe, a respawn timer starts. The more deaths, the longer the timer will run. In addition, closer to the final stages of the match, this timer get disabled and you won’t be able to respawn. Obviously, if all team members are dead, you’re out. The last surviving member or team wins a Danger Zone match!

Moreover, important: you get CS:GO experience while playing Danger Zone, just as for regular matches. So with the new case drop system, you can also get your weekly case for playing Danger Zone. By the way, there’s also a special Danger Zone Collection! It contains, for example, a chic AK-47 Asiimov. If you don’t want to waste your time waiting for drops, just visit CS.MONEY and buy skins!




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