The desire to show off our success is inherent in us by nature. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors collected the teeth of predators in necklaces, show your skill. Now we are collecting juicy highlights for the same purpose. CS. MONEY tells you about the seven best teams to create your own video for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Everything is allowed
Sv_cheats 1 is the most basic and useful command that will be useful when recording almost any video. You can use it, for example, to change the observing angle.

The cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1 command removes everything from the screen except the kill feed and the crosshair. Very useful for creating fragmovie. Using the cl_drawhud 0 command, you can remove the entire interface in the game, and r_drawviewmodel 0 will remove even weapons from the screen.
Most often, you will have to use the first command. Fortunately, kill feed in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive itself is very contrasting and stylish in its own way, so it looks good in the videos.
Beautiful flights
To dilute the video, you can use flights around points on the map or even along running players. To do this, you need to get a little confused and use several commands at once, namely: spec_pos, spec_goto, and spec_lerpto.
The first command displays the current camera position in the console. The second command sends the camera to the specified coordinates, and the third command starts moving the camera from the current coordinates to the specified ones.
To create such a beauty, you need to take several steps. First, select the start and end point of the camera. After standing on them one by one, you need to find out the coordinates using spec_pos. When the coordinates are ready, you need to make the camera fly between them. To do this, use the combination:
spec_goto start coordinates; spec_lerpto end coordinates time in seconds time in seconds.
Follow two rules: first, the server must have at least one player or bot other than the observer. Second, the time in seconds must be specified twice and the values must match.
If everything is done correctly, the console should have something like this expression: spec_goto -1651.5 392.3 66.0 4.4 29.8; spec_lerpto -1374.8 610.2 104.9 8.4 -86.8 15 15
A small lifehack: coordinates do not need to be rewritten manually, they can be copied from the console log using the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V hotkeys.
Make it awesome
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is not the most beautiful FPS nowadays, but it can be made more beautiful with a couple of commands. To begin with, make the sky brighter. To do this, use the sv_skyname command and enter the name after it. For example, sv_skyname office will make the sky on any map as in cs_office. This will make the picture more gloomy.

Also you can use the command mat_postprocess_enable 0. If you don’t go into technical details, using this command makes the image more contrasting and slightly darker.
Modern hardware allows you to record fast repeats by pressing a couple of keys. This method lacks flexibility. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has a built-in gameplay recording system. Several commands are used for this purpose, here are the three main ones: record, stop, and playdemo.
The first command starts recording a demo with the specified name. For example, record csmoney will record a demo with the name “csmoney”. The stop command stops recording. If you need to play a demo, then the playdemo team will come to the rescue. After it, you need to enter the name of the demo. In our case, this is playdemo csmoney.
Do you have any highlights? Try to record your next cool moment with the help of the above commands and share the results. Enjoy!