CS:GO players are like samurai, they have no goal, only path. Improving their performance, players hardly look around.
This is a big mistake, as the workshop has not only maps for aiming practice but also incredibly atmospheric battlefields. CS.MONEY will talk about them today.

The Battle Royale mode appeared in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive not very long ago, and it has not so many maps in the workshop so far. But even among the available maps, you can find really nice ones. First, we settled on the Arctic map created by michal3210.

This is a huge Battle Royale map that looks great and fits well into the mode. It has houses, underground tunnels, sights, and much more. But first of all it perfectly recreates the atmosphere of a harsh winter in an abandoned land.

All buildings on Arctic are abandoned and empty. This is not only a good solution for competitive gameplay but also a good way to create an atmosphere of desolation caused by unstoppable forces of nature.

From the vast and snow-covered Arctic expanses, we move to the tiny Renovation map with its breathtaking dawn. Here you will find only one house and some small open spaces, but this is enough to change the gameplay experience. Short ranges for firefights dramatically increase the usefulness of almost all unpopular weapons.

We liked this map not only because of its size. It is filled with an atmosphere of isolation from the outside world. This is a small island of a civilization lost in the forests.

The creator of this map Mythix13 put in a lot of effort to fill the map with numerous details, which tell the story of this place, and no text descriptions are needed to understand the events that took place on Renovation.

This map is a collaboration work of Almaas, kyte * fresh, and Trevor Victrus. Together they managed to replicate the architecture and recreate the spirit of a northern European coastal village. Here you will find wooden houses, a lighthouse, boats, and sea. A nice set, isn’t it?
We should also note that Marine is most suitable for competitive games. Despite all its beauty, the map is not overloaded with excessive details and objects. To provide necessary covers the creators simply put some containers.

Perhaps because of this Marine turned out not as impressive as it could be. But you will definitely enjoy playing on this map. Finally, in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive you need to fight, and not stare at the grass and beautiful fences.

There is a pirate faction in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, but you might have not heard about it, as it is absent on competitive maps. And there are no pirate-themed competitive maps at all, but in the workshop, you can find the Mutiny map.

On this map, you will dive into a tropical atmosphere of a pirate island. Take a look at the wooden ship, which is both a decoration and a spawn of one of the teams!

The ship, the ruins covered with greenery, and a lot of small details create a very impressive atmosphere. The designers paid attention to the smallest things and playing on this map you will constantly have a feeling that at some point you will meet Captain Jack Sparrow.
And what cool workshop map would you recommend to us?
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