Counter-Strike 2 carries over most of the features from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. And one of them is Trust Factor, a mysterious good behavior meter everyone has that affects matches. Today CS.MONEY Blog tells you what Trust Factor is in CS2, what it affects and how to raise it from red or yellow to green.

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What’s Trust Factor in CS2?
Trust Factor in CS2 is a hidden indicator that tracks a player’s behavior in and outside the game, and based on the results, it divides bad and good users, separating them and not allowing to play with each other. Players from Dota 2 encounter a similar system, but there the indicators are open and the penalties are obvious. Valve themselves diligently hide the details of calculating the Trust Factor in CS2.
The easiest way to describe how Trust Factor works is this: imagine Trust Factor is a bouncer at the entrance to the Matchmaking club. This huge dude weeds out players who do not match the Trust Factor rating. Note that in the process of selecting players, CS2 focuses simultaneously on both the player’s skill and their Trust Factor value.

What Trust Factor has effect on in CS2?
Trust Factor Level controls the process of selecting players for a match. There is no information about other aspects from Valve or the game community. Simply put, with a low Trust Factor, you will encounter toxic players in matches who also have low Trust Factor, but the value of the weekly drop or the chance of getting a rare item from a case will not change.
How To Increase Trust Factor In CS2?
The developers themselves advise to “be a good Counter-Strike 2 player and a member of the Steam community.” Which sounds pretty vague. In the community, players believe that Trust Factor is influenced by:
- Number of reports from other players
- Match Behavior
- Profile completeness
- Behavior in other games on Steam
To increase your Trust Factor, you need to avoid toxicity, not abandon games or harm teammates, maintain a positive attitude and avoid reports. It is impossible to say in what proportion and how much this will increase your Trust Factor, but these all are clearly steps in the right direction.

Does Prime Status Affect Trust Factor in CS2?
Yes, Prime Accounts affect Trust Factor because in Counter-Strike 2, the system considers if you have a Prime when selecting players. In addition, such accounts are located in a separate matchmaking pool. This is a kind of filter. Status holders, those who bought it, are less likely to clown around in a match or use cheats. Therefore, getting an account with Prime status is a smart idea.
How to find out your Trust Factor in CS2?
In short, you can’t learn your exact Trust Factor. Valve carefully hides both the Trust Factor value and the algorithm for calculating it. You can indirectly find out about the level of trust rating by creating a lobby with other players. Before the start of a competitive match, Prime players will see messages indicating that someone in the group severely affects the quality of matches with their Trust Factor.
Here’s how the messages look:

However, this option only allows us to indirectly determine the level of Trust Factor. If you or your friends receive such messages, you should think about increasing your Trust Factor in CS2.
Trust Factor and skins in CS2
Trust Factor in CS2 and skins most likely have nothing in common. We don’t know for sure. Valve tracks player behavior not only in CS2, but also on Steam. Therefore, Trust Factor might be influenced by profile level, community activity, friends, or total inventory value. But it might as well not have any effect.
However, the skins are still worth taking a closer look at. The best way to do this is on CS.MONEY, a platform for trading and exchanging skins. Low prices, a large selection of skins and handy filters will allow you to update your inventory in no time. Don’t delay and shop now!