Cut CS:GO Content That Could Return In CS2


Not everything developers do ends up in the final version of their games. Same for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. For example, Valve even placed models of the Georgian special forces and the Spanish police in the game files. And also, they had Agents with scuba gear and diving suits. Now, after almost ten years, the development team returned the cut content in the form of the SEAL Frogman faction. Today, CS.MONEY Blog is getting its hands on a pile of cut content from CS:GO in search of what the developers can bring back to Counter-Strike 2.

csgo cut content that valve can bring back to cs2 guns weapons items

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TAC-21 Sniper Rifle

References to TAC-21 first appeared in the game files in October 2014. In the real world, TAC-21 is not basically a separate weapon; it’s a frame, a base. Some use various parts to upgrade the base of the rifle, for example, Remington 700’s parts.

The thing is, this frame/base (or platform) is made of lightweight materials. It’s heavily perforated to be even lighter. TAC-21 has special rials at the bottom and top, so you can attach additional accessories to the frame, such as an optical sight or a laser designator.

Perhaps the development team will return this gun to Counter-Strike 2. But, well, it’s hardly a replacement for AWP since AWP is a legendary, iconic weapon for CS. But diluting the stagnant meta by adding TAC-21 as a sub for AUG or SG 553 might be an exciting solution.

M48 Tomahawk

You can already use a Tomahawk as a weapon in CS:GO, if you didn’t know. But it only works in Danger Zone. Perhaps, M48 Tomahawk might appear in Counter-Strike 2? Imagine how mindblowing it would be to have an axe instead of a knife? In Case Hardened pattern! But realistically, there are two reasons for this scenario to happen.

Source: YouTube Cachorro1337

First, according to the CS:GO game files, even though it’s a tomahawk, the game itself (meaning, the developers also) sees it as a knife. Secondly, M48 Tomahawk exists in reality. And it’s a beautiful thing. And this is also a real opportunity for Valve to diversify not only the blades but also their handles.

Composite Bow

Composite Bow files appeared in the May 31, 2016, update. And this weapon seems to be perfect for CS:GO’s Battle Royale mode, Danger Zone. Still, the Composite Bow has a whole bunch of features that are unlikely to allow it to become part of the competitive mode.

Composite Bow shoots arrows. Obviously? Yes. But it immediately creates two points for the game to process. First, to shoot, you need to pull the bowstring. Therefore, as in the case of grenades, you can shoot from it with different string tension. A fully stretched bowstring will give a strong shot, but requires preparation. You can also make a quick shot, but a weak one.

Second, judging by the game files, the bow allowed the use of different types of ammunition. In addition to the usual arrows, there were arrows with … a flashbang, a HE grenade and a Molotov! The ability to accurately throw a grenade through a window or door from a distance looks like a killer feature for a Danger Zone weapon. If Valve wants to revive this mode, adding a bow is one of the best options to do in CS2.

Adrenaline Syringe

Valve likes to reuse their work from previous games. For example, wooden crates on Mirage, which can be found in Counter-Strike 2, date back to the days of CS:Source! Just imagine developers using the same box model twenty years later.

Source: Reddit

Adrenaline Syringe has already appeared in Valve’s other games, specifically in Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. There, the syringe increased movement and item speed, restored hit points and disallowed zombie strikes to slow down the character.

And although there are no zombies in Counter-Strike, remaining syringe boosts can be used even in competitive mode. Just imagine how T-side can use this device! Imagine, it costs 600-800 dollars, and when activated, it increases speed to maximum when wielding any gun and prevents inflicting speed penalties when taking damage. It sounds crazy, but such a thing will definitely make the Attack more dynamic.


Another item is Tripwire. And it has one feature that the items above lack: Tripwire has already been found among the CS2 Beta game files! So far, we only know the killfeed image: a crossed incendiary grenade graphic. When activated, it may cause a fire in a small area.

It is not yet clear what this device is made for. In competitive mode, it can cause severe balance problems. And in Danger Zone, it would be of little use because players need to move more often and sit less in one place. However, since Valve has already added it to CS2 files, we might see it pretty soon, or vice versa, in a couple of years.

That’s all! And before you go, we highly recommend reading our list of potential maps that could be added in CS2! Mirage, Nuke, Dust 2? Yes! But what else?




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