Are Major Stickers Worth Buying Right Now?


Stickers from the last CS:GO Major — Paris Major 2023 — were added to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive a couple of days ago. We’ve already reviewed the update, the capsules and the coolest stickers here in a separate post. And now, CS.MONEY Blog explains are BLAST Paris Major stickers worth buying right now and how big potential do these stickers have.

are paris major stickers worth buying and investing analysis

Don’t hesitate to jump to CS.MONEY Market if you’ve decided to get BLAST Paris Major stickers yourself! We have prices cheaper than Steam Market, more friendly UI and cash withdrawal!

Insides of BLAST Paris Major 2023 Sticker Capsule

All CS:GO sticker capsules have four types of stickers, and the BLAST Paris Major 2023 sticker capsule is no exception. Types of stickers from most common to rarest:

  • Foil (normal, paper)
  • Glitter
  • Holo
  • Gold 

BLAST Paris Major 2023 Sticker Capsules have players’ autographs, team logos, and the Major’s logo. At the moment of publication, the most popular and expensive stickers from the Paris Major sticker capsule are the autographs by m0nesy, s1mple, NiKo, ZywOo, and ropz. You can see all BLAST Paris Major stickers here.

Hey, it’s Stockholm stickers!

Yeah, you’re right. At first glance, the Paris Major stickers completely replicate the design of the stickers from tournaments in Stockholm and Antwerp. And at second glance, too. If you remove the TO/venue plates, these stickers would be 99% indistinguishable. But honestly, that’s not a big deal.

Let’s talk numbers, prices and periods now. For example, here’s a graph of NAVI’s Stockholm Major stickers cost. When the Antwerp tournament started in May 2022, NAVI Stockholm stickers price decreased. Just look at the charts on the Steam Marketplace. However, after a few months, the price decline stopped; moreover, they began to grow strongly. These stickers are now much more expensive than they were in May 2022.

Natus Vincere (Foil) Stockholm 2021
Natus Vincere (Foil) Stockholm 2021
Natus Vincere (Holo) Stockholm 2021
Natus Vincere (Holo) Stockholm 2021
Natus Vincere (Gold) Stockholm 2021
Natus Vincere (Gold) Stockholm 2021
Natus Vincere Stockholm 2021
Natus Vincere Stockholm 2021

As you can see from the graphs above, when Antwerp Major happened, the prices dropped severely, but with time, stickers’ cost increased, and even now, it still continues to rise.

Which BLAST Paris Major 2023 Capsules Should You Open?

None; don’t rush it. The fact is, Valve tends to put Major sticker capsules for sale at a reduced price closer to the end of each tournament. Such a move obviously affects not only the cost of capsules but also the cost of stickers in them. Therefore, now it makes no sense to either buy stickers or buy capsules.

But when Gabe presses the SALE button, you can jump into buying, investing or opening capsules from BLAST Paris Major or just purchase specific stickers. Based on today’s prices, it’s best to open capsules with autographs by m0nesy, s1mple, NiKo, ZywOo and ropz, as well as teams that made it to the Major for the first time.

Also, Paris Major stickers may add value due to one fact: BLAST.TV PARIS MAJOR 2023 is the last CS:GO major in the game’s history. The next Counter-Strike major will happen only in March 2024 and indeed will be running on CS2. But honestly, it’s quite impossible to predict what stickers will be there now.

Conclusion: Are Paris Stickers A Good Investment?

In short, don’t buy any stickers right now. It’s better to wait a little bit until THE SALE because, traditionally, Valve arranges huge discounts at the end of each Major tournament. And after this happens, BLAST Paris Major 2023 stickers have a huge potential for price growth due to one unique thing about the event: it will be the last CS:GO Major in the game’s history. The best Paris 2023 stickers to buy right now are m0nesy, s1mple, NiKo, ZywOo, and ropz, as well as stickers with new-coming teams like Monte, 9INE and others. And also, just the capsules themselves.

By the way, do you know how to put BLAST Paris Major 2023 stickers on any skin? If you want to get some stickers to decorate your skins or just look at the best BLAST Paris Major stickers combo, you should definitely use our 3D Builder: it already has stickers from the Paris Major, and you can apply them to any skin from the game! With such a preview, you will definitely make the coolest craft with new stickers.

And surely, don’t forget that all new stickers will be available on CS.MONEY Market. Even cheaper than on Steam Marketplace!




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