5 best Music Kits in CS:GO


Did you know that Counter-Strike: Global Offensive already features over fifty music kits? There aren’t even that many skins for the AK-47! The CS.MONEY Blog is here to find out why we need music kits and picks the top five.

What is a music kit?

Music kits were added to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive back in 2014. It’s a special item that you can buy in-game or from another player. Once you equip the kit, it replaces the music tracks:  

  • In the main menu;
  • At the beginning and end of a round;
  • After planting the C4 or taking a hostage;
  • During the ten-second countdown before the C4 explosion;
  • When winning or losing a round;
  • During the countdown to the round end;
  • During the death camera;
  • When receiving an MVP award.  

You can also share a music kit with teammates. If one of your allies has a music kit, you can listen to it in that match. To this end, just select the owner of the music kit in the scoreboard, right-click on it, and equip the kit in the drop-down menu. 

The music kits come in two kinds: regular type and those with a StatTrak counter. As music kits go, the latter counts not frags, but rather the number of MVPs. Each time the owner of the kit becomes the most valuable player in the round, they hear a characteristic tune from the set. 

Now that we’ve covered how music kits function, it’s time to move on to the top five best ones. Here they come.

High Noon by Feed Me

Feed me – High Noon, CS:GO Music Kits! – YouTube

This music kit is a true classic. It dropped in the very first batch — and still hasn’t grown even the slightest bit outdated. It nicely combines motifs from westerns with modern electronic music. John Gooch composed the tracks for the kit. The British musician has long ago been popular among those into drum’n’bass, electro house, and dubstep. 

Total Domination by Daniel Sadowski

CSGO Music Kits: Daniel Sadowski, Total Domination – YouTube

The ultimate music kit if you’re in the mood for Total Domination. Just like High Noon, this kit appeared in the game a long while ago – back in February 2015. The combination of sound and title is simply perfect. Aggressive electric motifs combined with a melody providing a great adrenaline rush – isn’t that just the ticket for a try-hard?

The tracks were written by composer Daniel Sadowski, who wrote scores not only for the games Smite, Disciples 3 and CS:GO, but also for movies like The Cure.


CSGO Music Kits: Damjan Mravunac, The Talos Principle – YouTube

The Talos Principle is an awesome puzzle game by Croteam. The game is all about puzzles and exploring an island — no firefights at all. You might ask: how can the soundtrack from a game like that be relevant to CS:GO? Practice has shown that it not only can, but does feel like a fantastic fit for fans of ‘moderately pompous’ music.  

The composer who wrote the soundtrack for The Talos Principle is Damjan Mravunac.

All I Want for Christmas By Midnight Riders

CS:GO – Music KIT: All I Want for Christmas By Midnight Riders – YouTube

Let’s add a pinch of humor and heavy metal. That’s exactly what makes the All I Want for Christmas music kit from Midnight Riders stand out. Valve’s composer took a popular Christmas song as a basis and filled it with powerful jams and strong phrases. The result is an awesome mix that will unfailingly lift your spirits even in the toughest of games.

By the way, Midnight Riders is a fictional band from the Left4Dead universe. Its tracks were written and performed by Valve composer Mike Morasky.

Hotline Miami By Various Artists

CSGO Music Kits: Various Artists, Hotline Miami – YouTube

The Hotline Miami game was released ten years ago, in October 2012. The game quickly became popular, and the catchy music from the menu was a lasting memory for countless fans. In February 2015, these hypnotizing menu sounds also made their way to CS:GO. A great music kit for fast and agile players. 

More than ten musicians collaborated to create the soundtrack for Hotline Miami. Their work served as the inspiration for the music kit at hand. Incredible tracks. 

As mentioned previously, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has dozens of music kits for every taste. It was a challenge to pick the top five — and this particular selection is unlikely to strike a chord with everyone. That said, we suggest that you check out each kit for yourself. And don’t forget to follow our Twitter. There you’ll find the latest news, tips for gamers, and awesome memes. Be sure to subscribe.




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