Quick rotation between sites — by both attack and defense sides — is a hallmark of Overpass. Nevertheless, even a well-thought-out rotation can go wrong without grenades. The CS.MONEY Blog is here to talk about the key nades on the A Site.

The map Overpass appeared in the game on September 19, 2013, along with the release of Operation Bravo. By the way, Cobblestone dropped at the same time. And while the map with medieval architecture didn’t last long, Overpass has become part and parcel of the competitive map pool and now, after certain tweaks, is considered one of the most balanced maps in CS:GO.
Before you start exploring nades on Overpass or any other map, be sure to read our guide on the general mechanics of grenade throws. The guide will help you learn the possible ways of throwing those nades.
Flashing a defense player behind car
Let’s start with a badass flash that attack players can throw when they enter the A Site. Defense players often take the position behind the car — the flash in question will minimize the efficiency of this trick.
To throw this flashbang, stand in front of the texture below the WC sign and find the line on the opposite wall — it will serve as the main reference point. Look at the dark part of the wall and aim slightly to the left of its center. Make a jumpthrow — and it’s all done! That CT player behind the car is already calling his teammates for help.
Cutting off back-A and lobby with smokes
But it’s unlikely that his teammates will have time to help the guy if you throw two simple smokes which block the defense’s rotation from the B Site. To this end, stand in the middle of the bench, aim at the head of the female silhouette, and make a throw. This smoke completely covers the position commonly referred to as “Back-A.”
Now, we only have to cover the lobby with smoke. There are several ways to do this — we’ll show you the easiest one. Note, that to throw this smoke you will have to secure long. Anyway, here are the instructions: stand facing that corner, aim over the letter A in the word “BANK,” and make a usual throw.
Cutting off a player behind car
Even in a scenario where the attackers have only two smokes and one flash left, you can still effectively rush the A Site. One way to cut off the player behind the car is to throw a smoke there. It’s really easy.
Walk up to that same bench, but this time, aim at the head of the male silhouette.
Molotov towards A default to win to win the round
One well-aimed Molotov can win a whole round. More often than not, attackers will plant the bomb on the A Site in the standard position. To increase the chances of winning the round, you can throw a Molotov right at the C4.
Run back towards long, walk up to the post of the big fence, and aim at the middle of the post — a part of the smaller fence. If your opponent has nothing to put out the fire with and time is running out on the bomb timer, you have a won round in the bag.
Holding long with a single Molotov
The CTs can also throw an effective Molotov which will stop an attack from long. Jump on the car and place your crosshair just a touch above the leaves of the tree. If you do it right, you secure some extra seconds for your teammates hurrying to the rescue.
Of course, this isn’t an exhaustive list of nades you can throw on Overpass on the A Site. There are many variations of smoking up lobby, back-A or covering your teammates’ rotation with smokes. We have shown basic and easy-to-follow grenades that you should learn before playing on this map.

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