Counter-Strafe Script for CS2: Snap-Tap Razer Bind


UPD 20.08.2024. Attention! With the recent update, Valve officially prohibited using the Snap Tap script and special keyboards like Razer’s, so please be cautious and do not use this script! Else, you might get banned!

Counter-Strike 2 skill is not limited to shooting. The ability to move quickly and stop just as quickly separates the best players from all the rest. One of the most useful techniques in a player’s arsenal is counter-strafe. Today, CS.MONEY Blog explains what it is, how to learn it, and whether skill can be replaced with scripts or a cool keyboard. It’s a guide for autoexec cfg to make you counter-strafe like Razer keyboard with one bind.

Counter-strafe script for CS2 Snap-Tap Bind like Razer CFG

Playing with a Razer keyboard counter-strafe bind in CS2 is surely cool but buying skins cheaply and quickly is even cooler! All this can be done on CS.MONEY, join now!

What is counter-strafe in CS2?

It’s pretty easy to hit a standing target. Therefore, to increase survivability you need to always be on the move. But it also brings up a problem: when moveming, your shooting accuracy is significantly reduced. Moreover, in CS2 player model have not only speed but also acceleration. When you press the movement key, your player model gains speed, and if you release it, they move for some time by inertia. This is where counter strafe is required.

Counter-strafe means quickly stopping by pressing the opposite direction movement key. That is, move left -> tap the movement key to the right -> stop quickly. Move forward -. tap the back key -> stop quickly. It sounds simple, but learning to counter-strafe in CS2 is hard.

How to counter-strafe in CS2?

The main goal of counter strafing is to stop instantly. Players do this to achieve maximum shooting accuracy. Learning to counter strafe in CS2 is not easy, because it’s not just enough go to a map with bots and start training. First of all, you need to get rid of bad habits, and the first among them is the habit of running diagonally. During the game, avoid pressing the forward/backward + left/right movement keys at the same time (e.g., W+D or W+A). Press W and A separately, not together. In this case, counterstrafing is much easier.

Your next step is practice. Any aim training map will do. Take AK-47, choose a bot you like and try to hit it. Strafe left, stop, shoot, strafe right, stop, shoot and so on. It is very important to develop a habit to the point of automatism.

Razer keyboard counter-strafing script/bind for autoexec cfg

Instead of training, you can use a script for automatic counter-strafe. It will automatically stop your player model when you release a key. We warn you right away, if FACEIT officially approves it, Valve themselves have not yet commented on the situation, so using this Razer Snap-Tap bind puts you at risk.

Snap Tap Script:

alias “fwd” “”
alias “back” “”
alias “left” “”
alias “right” “”
alias “MoveForward” “-forward; +forward”
alias “MoveBack” “-back; +back”
alias “MoveLeft” “-left; +left”
alias “MoveRight” “-right; +right”
alias “+mfwd” “-back; +forward; alias fwd MoveForward”
alias “+mback” “-forward; +back; alias back MoveBack”
alias “+mleft” “-right; +left; alias left MoveLeft”
alias “+mright” “-left; +right; alias right MoveRight”
alias “-mfwd” “-forward; back; alias fwd”
alias “-mback” “-back; fwd; alias back”
alias “-mleft” “-left; right; alias left”
alias “-mright” “-right; left; alias right”
bind “w” “+mfwd”
bind “s” “+mback”
bind “a” “+mleft”
bind “d” “+mright”

For it to work, you need to place it into the autoexec config, the config itself should be placed here: …\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\cfg. After that, you need to add the launch command +exec autoexec.cfg in the game settings in Steam. GJ!

The pre-made counter-strafe script has an obvious drawback: these scripts are not allowed everywhere. For example, FACEIT prohibits their use in matches on ESEA.

FACEIT Darwin on X:

In addition, we cannot guarantee that Valve will not monitor the use of such scripts or will not disable them in one of the subsequent game updates. Therefore, their use is entirely at your own risk.

Razer Snap Tap and Wooting SOCD

Automatic counter-strafe is possible not only with the use of scripts in CS2. Another option is to buy a corresponding keyboard. Today, Razer and Wooting offer keyboards with similar functions. Some keyboards from these companies have Razer Snap Tap and Wooting SOCD installed.

These keyboards make counter-strafe much easier. Although their use is currently the subject of heated debate among esports players, regular players can use them without fear. All operations are performed on a software level within the keyboard, the game only receives input data. Therefore, using keyboards is safe and gives an advantage in the game. Is this a pay-to-win? Who knows.




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