Most Popular Stickers of 2023 Listed


2023 has come to an end and CS.MONEY Blog is summing up the results. Today we name the most popular stickers among our traders in 2023. The top ten places were taken by esports stickers, so we decided to divide our list into two parts: the five most popular team stickers and the five regular stickers.

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Natus Vincere 2020 RMR

Among esports teams stickers, the most popular in 2023 was Natus Vincere 2020 RMR. Despite all the lineup changes and the difficult start in CS2, NAVI stickers are still popular in CS in 2023. Perhaps the secret to such popularity is their low price and huge audience. NAVI 2020 RMR stickers are super cheap!

Cloud9 Antwerp 2022

Cloud9 Antwerp 2022 looks just like any other esports team sticker from the latest majors: a large team logo and small tournament logo below. The Cloud, that is, the team logo, is uniformly colored in light blue, a simple design that goes well with almost all skins. It is logical that this is one of the most popular stickers in CS in 2023.


2024 is the year of the dragon according to the Chinese calendar. Maybe it was this factor that influenced the popularity of TYLOO stickers. If you didn’t know, the team’s logo is a dragon. (Okay, but why Team Spirit’s stickers are not present on the list?) Or maybe, the reason for its popularity is just that the red dragon looks amazing, aggressive and goes well with a lot of skins. And it’s pretty cheap!

MOUZ Paris 2023

The new MOUZ logo is simple and minimalistic, just as the world’s modern design requires. And this one is also in bright red color! More importantly, its shape is somewhat reminiscent of a heart symbol, which adds to the popularity of the sticker. MOUZ Paris 2023 consists almost entirely of the team logo, only the name of the Major takes up a little space in the corner. A great popular sticker of 2023 for your crafts.

Gambit Gaming Stockholm 2021

Since April 2022, Gambit has no roster. Gambit Gaming Stockholm 2021 are the latest stickers for today with the logo of this team, so that might be why these stickers were so popular among traders in CS in 2023. In this case, investors should wait a little longer: Gambit Gaming Stockholm 2021 stickers have not yet increased in price.

Ancient Beast

Among ordinary stickers not related to esports in any way, the most popular in 2023 was a sticker with… a stone chicken! Ancient Beast looks good and costs mere pennies. A great choice if you want a budget sticker and adds a lot of fun to your crafts.

Gold Web

Gold Web came into the game along with Operation Shattered Web. A white spider with a purple triangle in the background is a great combo. This sticker looks good on almost any skin in CS2. If you scratch it, the sticker will show a couple of new interesting details. 

Enemy Spotted

Enemy Spotted depicts a leopard’s head with a knife in its mouth. The sticker itself is very stylish, but the main advantage here is the ability to apply it on some skins so that the sticker continues, expands the composition. For example, a popular option is the AK-47 Panthera Onca + Enemy Spotted.


Mastermind features both a spider and an SAS faction Agent in one, and all this against a toxic, or even venomous, green background. The sticker is very detailed and interesting to look at. Its low price is also pleasing: assembling a bright and eye-catching green craft from four Mastermind stickers is pretty affordable.

Stone Scales

Rounding out the top five most popular ordinary non-esports stickers in 2023 is the azure snake of Stone Scales. The Serpent twists intricately and forms an almost square sticker. Nice colors and a few gold accents makes this sticker look awesome. And it’s really cheap! Moreover, take a look at the snake’s head: its strange expression is fun.

By the way, did you know that ready-made crafts are usually cheaper than stickers and skins separately? CS.MONEY has a filter system that allows you to find skins with the desired stickers in a couple of clicks. An easy way to kill two birds with one stone: snatch a beautiful craft without giving away extra money.




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