All FaZe Clan Stickers + Craft Ideas


FaZe Clan has participated in every CS:GO Major since 2016. Naturally, over seven years, the organization has accumulated a large number of stickers, which have transitioned into Counter-Strike 2. In this article, CS.MONEY Blog presents the list of all FaZe Clan stickers in CS2. Don’t forget to click on the names or buttons to quickly access them!

all cs2 faze clan stickers

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Best Skins for FaZe Clan Stickers

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, unfortunately. However, considering FaZe Clan’s logo being mainly red on stickers, it’s worth considering red skins or those with red accents. Our colour filter can help you choose a suitable option!

FaZe Clan Columbus and Cologne 2016 Stickers

The first two Majors in FaZe Clan’s history weren’t successful: the team secured 9-12th place both in the USA and Germany. Moreover, it was a step backwards for the lineup: the ex-G2 roster reached the semifinals in Cluj-Napoca previously.

However, let’s focus on the stickers. MLG Major Columbus 2016 Stickers have a design that suits skins with a horizontal composition: Glock-18 Candy Apple, M4A1-S Cyrex and PP-Bizon High Roller. The latter has many vertical elements, but the elongated shape of the submachine gun remains dominant.

As for ESL One Cologne stickers, the geometric shapes allow seamless integration of FaZe Clan stickers into skins like M4A4 Evil Daimyo, AK-47 Bloodsport or AWP Electric Hive.

FaZe Clan Atlanta and Krakow 2017 Stickers

In Atlanta, FaZe Clan managed to reach the Major’s playoffs for the first time in its history. They lost to SK Gaming in the quarterfinals, though. As for the 15-16th place in Krakow, let’s leave it alone and return to crafts.

The 2017 Faze Clan stickers stand out because the FaZe logo here is multi-coloured. Apart from the main red, they also contain yellow and dark blue elements. Alongside a significant red background, stickers from Atlanta might be among the least suitable for crafting. However, good base skins could be AK-47 Point Disarray, SG553 Integrale or M4A1-S Hot Rod.

Yet, that’s not the case for PGL Major Krakow FaZe Stickers: it terms of design, they’re much more suitable for crafts. Galil AR Rocket Pop, AK-47 Orbit Mk01 or Glock-18 Water Elemental will do more than fine.

FaZe Clan Boston and London 2018 Stickers

Until the last couple of years, the Boston Major was the most dramatic page in FaZe Clan’s history. One of the best finals in CS:GO resulted in a Cloud9 victory over FaZe after outstanding three maps. Boston Stickers have strict geometric shapes, and we recommend pairing them with M4A4 Bullet Rain, MP9 Airlock and FAMAS Styx.

In London, FaZe Clan again made it to the playoffs but faced future champions Astralis in the quarterfinals. Stickers from this tournament stand out because the team’s logo is really simple and clean. AK-47 Redline, Desert Eagle Crimson Web and P250 Muertos complement this logo.

FaZe Clan Katowice and Berlin 2019 Stickers

In 2019, FaZe Clan had its ups and downs, winning big tournaments like BLAST Pro Series: Miami. However, concerning Majors, the team only reached the playoffs once, in Katowice, while in Berlin, they couldn’t even pass the Swiss Group Stage.

Overall, Kato19 is one of the most unusual and not very user-friendly stickers. This circled logo demands delicate handling. Try considering skins like AK-47 Elite Build, SG553 Candy Apple or FAMAS Mecha Industries for crafting.

Regarding stickers from Berlin, where the background is quite intricate, skins like FAMAS ZX Spectron, M4A4 Converter and AUG Syd Mead match well.

FaZe Clan RMR 2020 Stickers

The 2020 COVID Pandemic interrupted regular esports tournaments, and the RMR stickers released by Valve stand out sharply compared to other Majors. Here, the FaZe Clan logo looks striking in this street-art concept, and best crafting options include Galil AR Signal, P250 Nevermore and M4A1-S Night Terror. Don’t forget these stickers when browsing all FaZe Clan stickers in our list.

FaZe Clan Stockholm 2021 and Antwerp 2022 Stickers

Two post-pandemic Majors by PGL had entirely contrasting outcomes. In the Swedish capital, FaZe Clan couldn’t complete the Group Stage, whereas in Antwerp, we witnessed a completely different team that lifted the trophy.

Both Stockholm and Antwerp stickers have similar conceptual designs, but FaZe Clan found a way to distinguish them. Stockholm stickers have a white outline and rich red-black content, while in Antwerp, FaZe showcased a white fill within the red-black outline.

We recommend MAC-10 Carnivore, Tec-9 Isaac and USP-S Check Engine for PGL Major Stockholm stickers as they are excellent choices. For PGL Atwerp Major stickers, consider Galil AR Crimson Tsunami, M4A4 Spider Lily or M4A1-S Blood Tiger.

FaZe Clan Rio 2022 and Paris 2023 Stickers

The triumph in Antwerp was followed by a disaster in Rio, where FaZe Clan dropped from Groups with a 0-3 score. However, their stickers from the Brazilian tournament are among the most memorable: FaZe brought back their old colours to the logo, and yellow and blue colours reappeared against a tropical backdrop. Needless to say, colourful skins like AK-47 Head Shot, P250 Visions or AWP Duality could become bases for some really cool crafts.

In Paris, FaZe Clan managed to proceed to the playoffs, and their sticker reverted to its classic look. AK-47 Slate, Glock-18 Dragon Tattoo and Galil AR Tuxedo are excellent options where the black-and-white colour scheme complements the red sticker outline.

That’s the whole list of FaZe Clan stickers in CS2! FaZe Clan—whose stickers significantly differ from each other—allows you to craft with whatever skin you like. To do it, buy skins and stickers on CS.MONEY: use the filters and create your perfect inventory in just a few clicks!




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