August price analytics: Virtus.Pro falls, coldzera gets up


Summer is over, so it’s time to audit your inventory. CS.MONEY price analytics for August will help you build your trading strategy for the fall!

Changes in the professional e-sports scene in August 2019 led to a rise in the price of some stickers. gob b | Cologne 2015 sticker took a jump up to 80% – the player announced his retirement. The same thing with Sticker | TENZKI (Foil) | Cologne 2016 – the player moved to another team. Sticker | Xizt (Foil) | Cluj-Napoca 2015 went up for 78 percent after Richard Landstrom was sent to the bench. Similarly, GeT_RiGhT (Foil) | MLG Columbus 2016 and GeT_RiGhT (Foil) | Cologne 2016 stickers became more expensive due to Christopher Alesund’s retirement.

Few words about the most popular August stickers: Edward | Katowice 2019 and Sticker | coldzera | Katowice 2019 are the latest player’s stickers in NaVi and MIBR teams respectively.

Virtus.Pro stickers have fallen in price – the team is going through hard times. Stickers of Team Liquid, which does not lose its position, also fell in price. In this case, cheapening is simply the result of market stabilization.

Negev | Nuclear Waste (Well-Worn), G3SG1 | Safari Mesh (Well-Worn) and StatTrak ™ Negev | Bratatat (Minimal Wear) – three skins, whose price grew up as much as possible this month as a result of the increased interest of players.

The most popular skins in the game at the beginning of autumn are AWP | Safari Mesh (Field-Tested), traditional top member AK-47 | Redline (Field-Tested), Desert Eagle | Oxide Blaze (Field-Tested), Glock-18 | Water Elemental (Field-Tested) and AK-47 | Safari Mesh (Field-Tested).




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