How to Enable Jumpthrow in CS2


Jumpthrow is one of the most useful binds in Counter-Strike. In CS:GO it could be assigned to a single button, but using Jumpthrow is a little different and even complicated in CS2. CS.MONEY Blog tells how to bind Jumpthrow in CS2: a detailed guide for those who like to throw nades while jumping.

how to enable jumpthrow bind in cs2 full guide two options

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What is Jumpthrow? Why do you need the jumpthrow bind in CS2?

In Counter-Strike, the player’s movement affects the grenade’s trajectory significantly. In order to set your nade throw’s speed to maximum, you have to release it mid-air while jumping. If you do it correctly, a grenade will fly much further than usual. This is called a Jumpthrow.

Performing jumpthrows in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was difficult. Therefore, people came up with a special jumpthrow bind: it allowed to combine a throw and a jump by using a console command once. Basically, you had to press one button and the game would perform two actions simultaneously to toss the grenade at a maximum speed. In Counter-Strike 2, executing jumpthrows has become much easier. But you still need a bind to do it perfectly.

Bind Jumpthrow in CS2

At the moment, there are two ways to bind jumpthrows in CS2. First, you can use the console and “Alias”. Second, just through configs. Here’s how you can do it, explained.

Jumpthrow Bind, Option 1: console command + Alias

“Alias” is a console command that executes other commands. Alias work only in the game session in which they were used, it means that it won’t save in the game settings after you close CS2. Therefore, each time you launch the game, you’ll have to enter it again.

To use Jumpthrow-alias, you need to enter three commands one after another into the CS2 console:

  • alias “+bish” “+jump” -> Enter
  • alias “+bash” “-attack; -attack2” -> Enter
  • alias “+bosh” “-jump” -> Enter

After you type in all three commands, you need to use another one—to make a bind. For example, bind “v” “+bish; +bash; +bosh”.

After that, to perform a Jumpthrow, you need to hold down your Fire Button (mostly LMB) and press V. Your agent will jump and throw! It’s also accompanied by a familiar sound, which means that Jumpthrow has been performed successfully. But the main problem is that all these actions must be performed every time you enter the game.

By the way, you can also read our guide on how to increase FPS in CS2:

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Jumpthrow Bind, Option 1: Through Config

The second option is to use the CS2 config. This one is better because you won’t have to enter the commands every time you run CS2. But you need to take a few preparatory steps.

First, create a new file in the CS2 config folder at: …\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\cfg. In it, you need to create a config file with the following content:

  • +jump
  • -attack
  • -attack2
  • -jump

Each command must be on a new line. After that, save the file and give it a simple name, for example, throw.cfg. After that, you need to go into the game and bind this config’s execution. Use this command in the CS2 console:

  • Bind “j” “exec throw”

Now you’re good to go! To perform a Jumpthrow, hold down your Fire Button and press J to execute the config, which means to perform a jumpthrow in CS2. Congratulations, you can now jumpthrow in CS2! Unlike Jumpthrow-Alias, this option needs to be configured only once and will work all the time.

Now you know two ways to bind JumpThrows in CS2! Choose the one that works best for you. Good luck with the new game!

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