Counter-Strike Online


We all remember fondly the hours we spent in CS 1.6 and CS:Source. But many of us don’t even know how many versions of our favorite game exist on the game industry market. We’re going to talk about one of those beasts right now.

Brief summary

Counter-Strike Online is a remake of the legendary Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, aimed at the Asian gaming market. responsible for the development was the South Korean company Nexon Corporation, overseen by Valve. The game was released back in 2008 by several publishers. The title was distributed by Nexon Corporation in South Korea and Japan, by TianCity in China, and by Gamania in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

For the Russian/European player, the above versions of the game are unplayable as there’s no localization.

The key difference between the games

CS Online contains the type of donation that many abhor, the one that allows you to get a weapon far superior to free counterparts. The game only offers a multiplayer mode. Different versions of the game feature different amounts of weapons sold for real money.

CS Online contains many online game modes, some from previous games in the series and some brand-new.

  • Classic. In this mode, you can’t respawn until the end of the round.
  • VIP Assassination. The terrorists must eliminate a special person. The special forces, on the contrary, must protect and escort the target to the point of rescue.
  • Bomb / Defuse. One of the most famous modes for CS players which needs no introduction. The special forces must defuse the bomb, whereas the terrorists must plant it.
  • Hostage Rescue. The special forces must rescue the hostages, and the terrorists hold them or annihilate the enemy completely. The CTs win if they manage to get all the hostages to the rescue zone by the end of the round. If someone wasn’t rescued, the terrorists win.
  • Deathmatch. A classic deathmatch mode. Everyone plays against all the rest and must destroy as many enemies as possible for a limited time.
  • Team Deathmatch. The mode differs from the classic in that the counter-terrorist team opposes the terrorist team. The team that gets more kills in a limited amount of time wins.
  • Gun Deathmatch. The same Deathmatch mode, but with some differences: for example, you can’t buy weapons — they are given when you respawn. At the beginning of the round, all players have good weapons, such as assault rifles. After a certain number of deaths, the player’s weapon is replaced with a new one, weaker than the previous one.

Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies

In September 2014, a version of Counter-Strike Online was released for Western countries in European languages, including Russian.

The game differs from the original CS Online only in prices and the assortment in the game store, as well as a set of maps for Zombie modes. The title is distributed free via Steam.

Would you give this game a chance? Try Counter-Strike Nexon — it’s a most weird experience. We guarantee it.




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