While the CS:GO community is waiting for the upcoming Rio major, we decided to look at the previous tournaments’ stats. Blog CS.MONEY want to know if low K-D is a crucial factor or if it is not as impactful as some community members think.

Five worst CS:GO Major champions in history
Let’s start with the following. As you know, 55 different players became CS:GO Major champions. Some of them, like the Astralis core, managed to win it several times, but for most of them (37 to be exact), such triumph happened only once. Let’s start with the five Major winners who has the lowest average rating on Majors in their career (participated in at least two majors):
- Devilwalk — 0.85
- Pronax — 0.86
- SmithZz — 0.91
- Karrigan — 0.91
- BoombI4 — 0.91

The majority of champs in this list were triumphant in the early days of CS:GO. Only Karrigan and BoombI4 can boast of recent success. Finn has been known as a great captain for many years. He compensates for his lack of firepower with his leadership skills. But here is an interesting detail: in Antwerp, Karrigan had an average rating of 1.01, which is a decent result.
This anti-rating is not the perfect explanation, and our sixth-worst player, TACO, proves it the best. His average career rating in Majors is 0.92. However, in Columbus and Cologne, the majors he was victorious at, his rating was 1.06 and 1.25, respectively. It would be later when TACO would almost exclusively stay in the red.
Meanwhile, we can not say that K-D has 0 impacts. Let’s take Zeus, for example. His average rating on Majors is 0.93, while in Krakow, his moment of triumph, the Ukrainian legend, had 1.03. NBK had ratings of 1.07 and 1.14 when he lifted the major trophies around his head, yet his average rating is 0.96. So excellent individual performance really helps your team, and you shouldn’t forget about it, even if you’re an IGL.

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Worst champion performance in CS:GO Majors
If we consider cases when the player performed poorly and yet became a champion, we have those as well.
Fifflaren did the legendary anti-performance in the CS:GO Majors history. At his only major, ESL One Cologne 2014, with NiP, he lifted the trophy while having an average rating of 0.71! 12 maps with a total -72 K-D difference! While many can meme about HooXi stats, this “achievement” would be almost impossible to surpass.

Should we say that all other performances in this list have much higher ratings? During his triumph in Katowice, TaZ played with a 0.85 average rating. His total K-D difference on nine maps was -19. While that performance wasn’t helping much, his partners clearly covered their captain’s lack of firepower. And we don’t belittle Victor’s leadership skills and right calls. Without TaZ, we wouldn’t see VP victorious.
The third place in our anti-rating belongs to SmithZz. During DreamHack Winter 2014, Edouard didn’t play well. 127 kills, 154 deaths on the total of 9 maps with an average 0.86 rating. That was the third and, to this day, the last time someone won a Major with less than 0.9 ratings.
In the bottom-5, there is also Pronax and Devilwalk. Their worst ratings are 0.91, and Pronax achieved it twice: in DreamHack Winter 2013 and ESL One Cologne 2015. The funny thing, the three-time Major winner, never surpassed the average rating of 1 in CS:GO Majors. Nonetheless, only Device, dupreeh, xyp9x, and gla1ve surpass him in the amount of Majors won. Truly, K-D doesn’t matter!
While reading this article, you would probably notice that we talk about Majors that happened in the earlier days. That note is totally reasonable; that’s why we will mention gla1ve: his average career rating during Majors is 0.96, and in Berlin, he struggled with 0.95 average ratings. But we still consider the Dane as one of the CS:GO pillars.
So, when accusing your favorite pro player of bad performance, remember that numbers don’t lie, but they don’t tell you all the truth. Even with a low rating, you can help your team become number one. However, don’t forget aim training, because that wouldn’t hurt.
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