You’ve never seen such fairies before!


The Tooth Fairy by the fabulous 2minds

“’If she can’t make change she has to take an extra tooth on account.”
(с) Sir Terry Pratchett

Less than a month intervened between the Workshop presentation of their most recent skin added to the game and the release of the case!

Their Steam ratings are astonishing!

The profligacy of this studio can only be admired.

Yes, it’s them again! Our favorite 2minds!

Guys, if you’re reading this, then we congratulate you heartily once again! You guys are so cool!

Together with answers to the questions, 2minds sent us a sneak peek of the new art for the second part of the Tooth Fairy collection. 

It was clear as early as then that the skin wasn’t just going to be beautiful — it was going to be one of the best in 2minds’ Workshop.

Yes, we mean the M4A4 | Tooth Fairy

M4A4 | Tooth Fairy

The tooth fairy as envisioned by the guys from 2minds isn’t exactly a cute girl who gives kids a coin for a milk tooth. She’s more like a fairy from Hellboy, coming and taking all your teeth on her own whim. Woe to those who fall asleep.

This fairy looks very much like the character from the Darkness Falls movie who hunted for everyone who’d seen her face.

M4A4 is the last skin from the collection, its logical conclusion, the pinnacle of talent, and the embodiment of the whole idea. But this story began with the amazing post-apocalyptic guns.

First, on June 17, the guys rolled out the first part. Very restrained skins for all guns — a handful of torn-out teeth and a small symbol of the Tooth Fairy, uniting the entire collection. That ring a bell?

Let’s freshen up your memory. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Sorry, we got carried away. 

So, in the distant year 2004, when comic book movies were just beginning to take their modern shape, Guillermo del Toro, one of the greatest screen storytellers, created Hellboy. The movie was really cool, not least thanks to Ron Perlman, who fit the role perfectly, and was soon followed by a continuation entitled Hellboy II: The Golden Army, where we meet our pretty little fairies. 

They need teeth to eat them. You see, they’re short on calcium so they eat human bones. Starting with the teeth. If you think about it, meeting these hungry cuties wouldn’t exactly be much fun.

And don’t forget to watch those movies, they are really something to see — nothing like the new attempt by Neil Marshall. Disgraceful.

MP5-SD | Tooth Fairy

But let’s return to our skins. In the second part of the collection, the Tooth Fairy symbol already occupies a really large part of the P250 and CZ-75 skins.

The CZ-75 | Tooth Fairy is exactly the beautiful monochrome skin that this gun lacked. Show us a cooler and more harmonious black-and-white skin — if you ever find it.

CZ-75 | Tooth Fairy

The P250 | Tooth Fairy borders on brilliance. What could be better than a blood drawing against a white background?

P250 | Tooth Fairy

Next up, the USP-S | Tooth Fairy and the P2000 | Tooth Fairy. For once, a cool rusty yellow color! It captivates you at first glance.

USP-S | Tooth Fairy

Too bad it’ll probably never feature the game.

P2000 | Tooth Fairy

Next is the atmospheric P90 | Tooth Fairy, looking as if it’s blood-stained. It definitely gives you a shiver, but this is exactly the kind of chill we all appreciate so much in horror movies.

P90 | Tooth Fairy

Followed by the Glock-18 | Tooth Fairy. This gun looks like it was literally bathed in blood, after which some mad artist left it to dry a little. 

Glock-18 | Tooth Fairy

We can never repeat too often how we’re amazed by 2minds’ ability to choose exactly the right color for a skin.

The guys didn’t forget about fans of classic rust either, and for that, they get our special thanks.

The Five-Seven | Tooth Fairy truly is a case when rust becomes a work of art, isn’t it?

Five-Seven | Tooth Fairy

Desert Eagle fans, however, aren’t that lucky: the Desert Eagle | Tooth Fairy is rather simple. On the other hand, it’s impossible to release a ton of masterpieces at a time.

Desert Eagle | Tooth Fairy

This is the Tooth Fairy collection it by the insanely talented guys from 2minds as we saw it. 

How do you like these guns?

R8 | Tooth Fairy

Better than the Tarot collection? Or is it too much for you?

Tell us.

And don’t forget that the fastest way to discover anything Valve adds to the game is from us, CS.MONEY.




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