What’s in CS2 skins? Studying mythology behind The Norse collection


Counter-Strike 2 features themed skin collections, such as The Gods and Monsters inspired by Greek mythology and The Rising Sun, steeped in Japanese aesthetics. But today, the CS.MONEY blog will introduce you to the most brutal collection of them all: The Norse collection, a set of skins inspired by Scandinavian mythology.

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Epic and Common Skins in The Norse Collection

The skins in this collection can be divided into two groups. The first group includes skins inspired by the myths and legends of the Viking pantheon:

The design of the other skins in this collection is inspired by Viking traditions, rituals, and artwork. These skins include:

Let’s delve into each skin to uncover the secrets and references they hold.

Quartz, Borre, and Pyres

We’ll start with the skins that don’t have a “legendary” source. Some of them have obvious references to the lives of seafaring warriors. Tornado, Chainmail, Pathfinder — these are pretty self-explanatory. However, the CZ75-Auto Emerald Quartz and M4A1-S Moss Quartz  are more complex. Quartz was a very important stone among the Vikings. Clear quartz ensured good weather for navigation, smoky quartz brought protection, and rose quartz was a talisman for harmony and love.

Another group of skins connected to Viking life includes the XM1014 Frost Borre, MAC-10 Copper Borre and FAMAS Night Borre. Borre is a style in Viking art and architecture. Its characteristic features include symmetrical patterns, interwoven ribbons, and animal motifs. Cats, wolves, and other animals are not strangers to the Borre style.

Finally, the Dual Berettas Pyre skin references Viking funeral pyres. The skin is adorned with a smoke pattern, which is an interesting nod to Viking life and traditions. Vikings would build funeral pyres to produce the thickest and tallest columns of smoke possible.

Legendary Skins in The Norse Collection

The five most expensive and rare skins in the collection directly reference Scandinavian mythology. The AWP Gungnir bears the same name as the spear of Odin, the chief god of the pantheon. Odin received the spear Gungnir from Loki. It wasn’t just a sharp stick — Gungnir could pierce any shield, shatter any armor, and break swords. The spear is also part of the skin, stretching from the stock to the barrel of the rifle.

The Negev Mjölnir is named after Thor’s hammer — Thor being Odin’s son and the god of thunder and lightning. Thor also received his hammer as a gift from Loki. Interestingly, the hammer had a life of its own. Unlike the Thor from Marvel movies, the hammer of the Norse god could fly off on its own and return. The Negev Mjölnir skin features two goat heads, referencing a story about Thor in which he killed the goats pulling his chariot and then revived them the next morning using the hammer.

The final myth is about the world serpent. Jörmungandr, the serpent’s name, encircled the entire world and was Thor’s sworn enemy. On all three skins — Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr, P90 Astral Jörmungandr and AUG Flame Jörmungandr — the serpent’s size is cleverly depicted. The serpent coils tightly around the weapons, and finding its head isn’t easy!

For example, on the Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr skin, the serpent’s head might appear:

  • On the gun’s muzzle, with patterns #966, #725, #222, #221, #712, #301, #808, #847;
  • On the grip, with patterns #822, #378, #741, #239, #757, #617;
  • Above the grip, with patterns #21, #772, #166, #854, #23, #259, #150, #774, #377.

The Norse Collection was available for a limited time. The skins from this collection are very rare and expensive, but they are visually stunning and have fascinating stories behind them! You can buy skins from The Norse Collection and other CS2 skins on the CS.MONEY website. Low prices, fast transactions, and a wide selection — come check it out and get your ideal inventory!




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