What A Play! Best Highlights of 2022


2022 was a fantastic year for CS:GO. Pro players showed their master level with an insane amount of spectacular highlights. CS.MONEY Blog decided to remember the best plays of the year but added a little twist: we’re focusing on skins that were featured in these highlights.

AK-47 Wild Lotus

Let’s start with the moment that won The Esports Awards. Twistzz made three crazy frags in the fifth map of the IEM Cologne Grand Finals. The teams fought hard against each other, and this highlight is a cherry on top. After this round, Natus Vincere had no money to put the game into overtime. The IEM Cologne final will go down in history as one of the most intense matches in the history of CS:GO!

AK-47 Slate

In the same grand final, Twistzz created another monstrous moment: on Overpass, the second map of the match, he picked up an AK-47 Slate to pull out a 1v3 clutch:

AWP Chromatic Aberration and AWP Asiimov

But it wasn’t just Twistzz who was shining in Cologne. The most valuable player of the tournament, even despite losing in the grand final, was s1mple. The best player of the decade pulled two top highlights at the tournament, both with different skins. In the match against Mouz, he punished the opponents from AWP Asiimov, and NiP learned the full power of Chromatic Aberration.

AWP Gungnir

Let’s continue with AWPs. Honestly, we were surprised to find that AWP Gungnir lit up in two top highlights simultaneously. Let’s start with a recent one: OG’s Degster was able to single-handedly deal with four Team Liquid players at once during the BLAST Premier World Finals semifinals.

By the way, this highlight was on Anubis, a fresh map in the competitive pool. It doesn’t have its own collection of skins yet, but we have selected several options so that you can show everyone who is the pharaoh of the server.

The second highlight was made by… s1mple again. He exterminated Team Vitality with Gungnir at the RMR tournament before the major in Antwerp.

Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr

This pistol allows you to create wonders. One such amazing moment was made by magisk during the Antwerp Major. His Emerald Jörmungandr shot off the heads of all five Heroic players, and we lost our minds when we saw it live!

AWP Neo-Noir and AWP Dragon Lore

We couldn’t get past m0NESY and his deeds. This young magician repeatedly punished his opponents in a phenomenal fashion. Vitality suffered from his AWP Neo-Noir:

And his Dragon Lore sent NAVI’s players to respawn in style:

USP-S Traitor

Let’s loop things up and finish this retrospective with a highlight from the player who opened our selection. Twistzz didn’t rock only in Cologne. In Dallas, the Canadian showed Cloud9 players that he could shoot not only with an AK-47. Impressive accuracy!

Remember that our Christmas raffle is in full swing. Win Daggers, Knife or 98 other skins at Xmas DROP event. Just check the link, register and PrayRNG!




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