Shazam! Five Lightning-Like Skins!


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson hits theatres with his newest movie, “Black Adam”! This charismatic gym-obsessed chad seemed to have been created for the role of one of the most powerful comic book characters, equal in strength to Superman. In this movie, which is a direct sequel to Shazam, released a few years ago, Black Adam will face off against Shazam and his gang.

We just couldn’t miss the opportunity in the CS.MONEY Blog, and decided to make a compilation of skins that Black Adam would use in CS:GO! Obviously, the prevailing black and yellow colours, overall minimalism, and radiation of unattainable power. Let’s rock!

AK-47 | Legion of Anubis

Lore always comes first. Legion of Anubis is the first in this collection because Black Adam himself comes from Ancient Egypt. Plus, a complete colour match. An excellent option, probably the best in terms of canonicity for this character. This AK strikes fear into the hearts of your opponents! And it only costs a little over ten dollars, which is a good deal.

M4A1-S | Knight

Regarding alternatives to AK, M4A1-S Knight is the best option for the defence side. Black colour combined with light yellow. And the skin is as old as Black Adam himself because it was added back in 2014, ancient CS:GO times. Unfortunately, therefore, its price will be very high. Yet, this one is super stylish! The first part of the promo code: 3Z7.

MP7 | Nemesis

Nemesis acts as a tremendous farm-gun skin: the beast painted on the surface of the gun hints that meeting with the weapon’s owner could be fatal. Moreover, this beast also has something ancient, even chthonic, referring to Egypt a bit. And its price is pretty neat, only around five dollars.

P250 | Wingshot

Just like the previous skin, Wingshot hints that death awaits the oncoming one. Classic Black Adam tones and a charming price: only about one and a half bucks. Of course, you can buy some Tec-9 Fuel Injector or whatever there is instead, but that would be too boring.

CZ75-Auto | Yellow Jacket

This skin closes our selection, yet unfortunately, it is made for one of the out-of-meta weapons. Yellow Jacket symbolises the colours of Black Adam: black resin, like the shade of his soul, is mixed with the brightest lightning, the purest yellow. This skin asks one important question: is Black Adam really that bad, or will there be a redemption story arc to switch to the good guys?

Bonus: AWP | Lightning Strike

You thought we’ll end this one without Shazam’s signature? Obviously, there is only one skin in CS:GO with such a pronounced image of lightning. Unfortunately, this AWP skin is quite expensive, but you must admit, it would be cool if Lightning Strike produced SHAZAM instead of the usual gunshots. The second part of the promo code: 19T.

That’s all! Five skins for comic books fans, particularly Shazam and Black Adam. Choose whatever you like! And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter in the box below so as not to miss other skin compilations and various interesting articles written around the world of CS:GO.

By the way, we are currently running the GameChanger Hub, where you can win prizes by activating special codes found on our website and completing other tasks. Don’t miss it!




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