S1mple’s Inventory: World’s Best Player’s Skins


Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostylev is one of the main trendsetters in the CS:GO world. Being a role model for many ordinary CS:GO players, Sasha is getting imitated, analyzed and observed every second. People copy his settings, look at what skins s1mple uses, and how he warms up. CS.MONEY Blog, as someone who enjoys skins most, decided to show and analyze some of s1mple’s CS:GO skins.

Oleksandr closes his inventory from time to time, mostly during the tournaments. By the way, during the current ESL Pro League, s1mple’s Steam Inventory is closed also. So it’s impossible to say what he wears at the moment for sure besides watching streams, not even mentioning the depts of his inventory. Moreover, skin collectors often lend cool skins to professional players for important tournaments: pros simply enjoy skins visually, while collectors add stories to their skins.

So, for example, StatTrak M4A4 Howl, which we once talked about, is no longer in s1mple’s inventory. This practice complicates the analysis. However, even without the most expensive skins, there are several pearls in the s1mple’s inventory.

s1mple steam inventory and csgo skins list and prices interesting and expensive

Glock-18 Off World

Glock-18 Off World

How often do you see skins with float having at least three zeros? And even though this might not be the ultimate rarity, it is quite uncommon. The Float Value of this s1mple’s pistol is 0.00006984! There are only 95 pistols in the world that have a higher rate. A regular Factory New StatTrak Glock Off World costs about 8 bucks, but if it has a float with three zeros, the price instantly grows to 30 bucks. So this particular one can cost several times more! At least it doesn’t have any expensive Titan Kato’14 stickers.

AK-47 Baroque Purple

AK-47 Baroque Purple

In general, Oleksandr has a lot of different AK-47s in his inventory, but it was this one that caught our attention. Its float value of 0.00010253 makes the assault rifle the seventh best in the world! Although the skin itself is not very expensive, if s1mple wants to sell it, it will receive a significant price boost compared to the average StatTrak Factory New quality which is about $25 without stickers.

AK-47 Rat Rod

AK-47 Rat Rod

Another extremely rare and extraordinary AK-47! This skin is among the world’s top 15; its Float Value is 0.00007609. But this skin looks quite original, especially having almost no scratches. Rat Rod brings a strong vibe of American highway culture. A regular FN AK-47 Rat Rod will cost around $15.

StatTrak UMP-45 Momentum

StatTrak UMP-45 Momentum

Another rather remarkable skin. Numerous arrows on the submachine gun’s side will be clearly visible because the Float Value of this skin is 0.00089386. By the way, this particular StatTrak UMP-45 Momentum turns out to be #55 float-wise globally. And anyone can buy s1mple’s csgo skins at CS.MONEY, with this UMP pricing only around 15 bucks!

USP-S Blueprint

USP-S Blueprint

Let’s turn to pistols again. USP-S Blueprint is an example of a minimalistic but memorable design. Sasha has a top-100 skin with Float Value of 0.00037708 in his inventory. Notably, this pistol is decorated with four Cloud9 stickers from the Krakow Major 2017. At the same time, a regular USP-S Blueprint FN starts at $80!

P2000 Ocean Foam

P2000 Ocean Foam

This P2000 is another pistol from the world’s top 100. Its Float Value is 0.00198267. Remember, Ocean Foam is the most expensive skin for P2000. S1mple is very fond of default pistols, which is not surprising, considering he has to play with them in every game. This is a very expensive skin: a regular P2000 Ocean Foam FN with a 0.05+ float costs at least $300!

CZ75-Auto Red Astor

CZ75-Auto Red Astor

Another gun with an outstanding Float Value (0.00041051). This skin creates a racing mood: handle textures resemble a checkered flag, and the body has a typical racing pattern. This stylish skin has high popularity among players for a reason. And CZ75-Auto Red Astor FN costs only two bucks!

StatTrak M4A1-S Hyper Beast

StatTrak M4A1-S Hyper Beast

Let’s finish our review with a skin which is still extremely stylish and rare (Float Value is 0.00424466, #42 among all StatTrak weapon finishes). We often talk about AWP Hyper Beast, but its closest half-sibling M4A1-S Hyper Beast is arguably better looking. A regular StatTrak M4A1-S Hyper Beast FN costs $450+; if you add a similar float here, the price immediately jumps to at least a thousand!

If you liked s1mple’s CS:GO inventory and now want to buy something of a kind (not necessarily with such a high Float), visit CS.MONEY. We have a user-friendly interface, a wide selection of skins, and quick deals. It’s an easy way to upgrade your inventory!




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