Pro Players’ Unique CS2 Inventories


Every inventory in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is unique. It can tell a lot about its owner and impress even those not very familiar with skins. CS.MONEY Blog dug into the inventories of professional players and found some interesting collections.

You don’t have to follow others. Stand out on the server with your cool skins, and CS.MONEY will help you with that! A wide selection of skins, low prices, and convenient filters is here to build the inventory of your dreams.

EliGE and his love for vanilla knives

Vanilla weapons rarely get attention from players. Honestly, who would put stickers on or name regular guns when Valve invented skins? Well, someone does, and that person is Jonathan “EliGE” Jablonowski.

EliGE is known for his love of default skins, and almost all of his default skins have ‘StatTrak’ nametags, and some are even covered in stickers. The most interesting part is that the American has an extensive collection of knives, but all of them are vanilla, meaning they have no paint.

Salty JT

If you think graffiti in Counter-Strike 2 is purely decorative, you are deeply mistaken. Previously, they could be used to create cover behind glass, and right now, graffiti is a convenient tool for keeping track of time in a round (for example, to know how much time is left before the bomb explodes).

Additionally, graffiti can be used for messages on the map and light trolling of opponents. At least, we suspect that Johnny “JT” Theodosiou uses a large amount of NaCl graffiti in his inventory for this purpose. If you didn’t know, NaCl is the chemical formula for salt. “Salty” often describes players who are frustrated with what’s happening in the game but not enough to become toxic.

jL vs Thorin

For top-tier professional athletes, criticism is an important motivator. A single unkind word could drive Michael Jordan to a phenomenal game. The most valuable player of the PGL Copenhagen Major, Justinas “jL” Lekavicius, has yet to reach the status of the greatest Counter-Strike player, but he has his own motivator.

Before the fateful major in Denmark’s capital, jL crafted several skins with stickers dedicated to esports journalist Duncan “Thorin” Shields. One of the stickers in this craft is DickStacy’s autograph. Another reads “small”. So no further explanations needed. The main thing is that jL achieved the result and became the first CS2 Major champion.

Souvenir from Ax1Le

Did you know that the word “souvenir” comes from the French word meaning “memory”? That’s why saying you bought a souvenir to remember is somewhat redundant. However, this did not stop Sergey “Ax1Le” Rykhtorov. We all remember his miraculous shot at IEM Rio Major 2022. Cloud9’s player took a souvenir P250 Drought from that map and added a nametag to the pistol reading “Round 27 – JUMPSHOT!”

If the player ever suffers from amnesia, he will surely find and remember this legendary shot.


We all have our favorite numbers. Some are into 322, others like 420 or 69. But getting skins with a float containing a particular number is the next level of collecting.

ENCE player Kasper “Kylar” Walukiewicz is into the number 1337, which was popularized in very old versions of Counter-Strike. During the early days of Valve’s shooter, some players had their own 1337 language (1337 means leet, elite, but we recommend reading about this phenomenon separately). A couple of decades later, this number is still part of mythology.

But back to Kylar. He has several skins with the 0.1337 Float Value. Specialist Gloves Fade and M4A1-S Nightmare. He also has a Karambit Knife Fade with a 0.10377 float—very close, but there are far fewer knives than skins and gloves, so we’ll count this as close enough.

Expressing your individuality can be done in many ways. The main thing to remember is that whatever your choice, CS.MONEY will always be your easy way to update your inventory.




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