New Types of Skins CS2 Should Have One Day


The story of Counter-Strike 2 skins is a tale of technological progress and community ingenuity. Skin creators continuously find new ways to bring their ideas to life, and with the transition to Source 2, they have even more options. However, not all skin concepts make it into Counter-Strike 2, and this is not solely due to technical limitations. Today, CS.MONEY Blog will discuss three skin concepts we want in the game but have yet to see.

What we do have for certain, though, are skins to suit every taste and budget. Come to CS.MONEY, use handy filters to buy skins at affordable prices, and get the most out of your game on the server!

Smoke Grenade Skins 

One of the biggest changes from both visual and gameplay perspectives in Counter-Strike 2 is the upgrade to smoke grenades. Smokes can now not only be extinguished but also shot through, and they look much cooler!

A reasonable assumption is that skins could also be created for grenades. Since you can currently drop grenades, your customized smoke could impress your teammates. Furthermore, a custom smoke could cover the ceiling with style. Yes, it’s not easy to find the balance between style and player distraction, but a similar approach to CS:GO skins can work — starting with subtle smokes and gradually pushing the boundaries over time. Or just allow them only in MM.

Esports Skins 

The idea has been floating around for quite some time. Major stickers are nice, but how about full-fledged team skins? The challenge here is that team skins need to be sufficiently bright and unique. Valve doesn’t have its own league to release skins like Ubisoft does in Rainbow Six Siege. Giving major champions the ability to release a skin? An interesting option, but there’s another concept worth considering.

Riot Games will soon introduce its own Hall of Fame for League of Legends, honouring the most deserving players. Each year, only one legend will be celebrated. With a high probability, anyone who enters this Hall of Fame will receive a personalized skin. Imagine if something like this existed in CS2. A Counter-Strike Hall of Fame featuring players like PashaBiceps, GeT_RiGhT, and kennyS. And what if each of them had their skin in the game? Unfortunately, for now, this remains only a dream.

Evolving Skins

Let’s turn to Riot Games again, but this time to another one of their games, VALORANT. Some skins have features that would be interesting to see in CS2. Firstly, skins from world championship bundles. The weapons from these bundles have what’s known as a championship aura: if the weapon is held by a player leading the server in frags, it starts to glow.

Another interesting feature is skins that change their appearance based on the number of frags in a round. Imagine if your AK-47 started to glow when you got three, four, or five kills. The more frags in a round, the stronger the glow. This would add emotions for the player and also look great on broadcasts.

Each of these ideas could make Counter-Strike 2 even cooler. But what will definitely make you cooler are awesome skins on the server. Come to CS.MONEY, choose the perfect skin, and buy it easily, quickly, and affordably!




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