Interview with kosear


For almost three years, the game hasn’t seen any new additions from kosear, the creator of FAMAS Roll Cage and PP-Bizon High Roller. And finally, the Broken Fang Case features SSG 08 Parallax!

CS.MONEY presents a series of interviews with the creators of the best skins ever! We’ve spoken with the authors whose works entered the case of Operation Broken Fang.

– Congratulations on the release of SSG 08 Parallax! We’ve missed your works. Please tell us a bit about yourself.

–Hi, thank you so much! I’m now receiving more congratulations on my skin than New Year greetings 🙂

I’m 31 years old and married, I have 2 cats, I was born and live in Russia. I think I also need to mention that while I have no art education, I’ve worked in the area of design for 20 years now. My current rank is Master Guardian II, and I play with an AWP.

SSG 08 Parallax

– My ideas originate almost exclusively from other games. In this specific case, it’s the aberration effect often seen, for example, in No Man’s Sky. I also used the Watch Dogs 2 art book — and, well, CS:GO itself. The icons come directly from the latter. I must also note I drew inspiration from the DiscoTech collection by Hexeth. At first glance, the difference is huge, but I wanted to create a large collection with a nice dark base and a flashy texture on top. While hexeth used a holographic effect, I opted for aberration. I hope you get what I mean.

Chromatic Aberration Skin Series

–  Do you play with your own skins?

– – Yes and no: I don’t use Famas or PP Bizon in-game, although I do have them in my buy menu. I use my Mac-10 from the New Inferno 2018 collection and Disco Tech by hexeth. Also, I have Berettas Twin Turbo and SSG-553 Integrale, but I don’t use any of that in matchmaking. At the earliest opportunity to play, I’ll definitely opt for Parallax though: I often use the “Scout” in half-buy or force rounds.

Chromatic Aberration Skin Series

–  In your opinion, the best skin in the Broken Fang case is…?

UMP-45 from G99-Factory. I saw the spaceship model he created in the same style on Sketchfab a long time ago, before the actual skin appeared. I think it’s a stunningly beautiful and laconic skin.

UMP-45 Gold Bismuth by G-99 Factory

  Do you have any favorite skins? Not necessarily your own creations.

– – I don’t like my skins. As soon as I press the “Publish” button, I immediately get the urge to remake them. I guess my fav is M4A1-S Player Two (bro, if you’re reading this, hi!). 

And I would also single out AWP Neo-Noir. And AK-47 Rat Rod by das_das. But it’s a tricky question, really. I think I have about 20 favorite skins, and all the best of them haven’t made their way into the game yet.

– Were you sure Parallax would enter the new case?

– – Yes, I was sure of it, but I tried not to brood about it too much. If I had imagined the gun was accepted and it wouldn’t have been accepted eventually, I would’ve got upset much more by this situation than what would’ve been reasonable. I believe it’s good practice to create large collections and spam your works everywhere. And to create as many promos as possible. Apel would probably be a good example of this approach. I think the main reason my skin got featured was the spamming on my part. I spent a month and a half making and posting one skin a day. I worked from 10 am to 8 pm, just like at a regular office. 

– If you were able to choose a skin from your Workshop and add it to the game, what would be your choice?

I would definitely dig using AK-47 Chromatic Aberration (the pink one) in-game, and I also like the Commandante Derby Version sawed-off — and probably all the others too 😀

AK 47 | Chromatic Aberration



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