CS:GO Skins With Unique Elements


There are a lot of skins in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. So many that sometimes you get lost in their quantity and variety: glossy and bright, realistic-military, stylish and luxurious, chthonic-nightmarish, anime… But basically, all these skins are united by the fact that they look like… Skins for weapons. We’re not VALORANT, where skins change models!

In this compilation, we collected ten unusual skins that look unusual for CS:GO. Here are the options that will deceive your eyesight and surprise you with a non-trivial approach to creating a skin. CS.MONEY Blog presents a selection of skins with unique elements!

Desert Eagle Blue Ply

CS:GO has a whole bunch of skins that look worse because of the fading float parameter and simply look different when float changes. And Blue Ply is one of them. Its trick is that different float will give different textures of … wooden boards. Just like a real tree, the layers will vary with depth if you grind it with a special tool.

UMP-45 Roadblock

According to the author, this skin lay in a long box for a long time before he updated it, bettered it, and added a pearlescent effect. But now it looks almost animated! Oh, what’s this here? BST.

SSG 08 Parallax

This skin makes your eyes ripple, and you start feeling dizzy. And all because of the unique effect and unusual idea. Of course, it looks like a regular skin, but thanks to the blue-red 3D effect, it floats in the eyes.

SSG 08 Big Iron

Another SSG 08, only this time its creator tried to make the weapon look like it was rebuilt from scratch. So, its butt looks like a full-custom part. An excellent post-apocalyptic model, which, unfortunately, is not very popular.

M4A4 Poly Mag

Pearlescent again, only this time the optical illusion occurs with the clip: it seems to be plastic and transparent, but in reality, of course, it is not. A fairly well-known gun and not very expensive.

USP-S Business Class

When a skincreator is a master of their craft, it is always noticeable. USP-S Business Class looks like it was created by the developers, although this leather grip does not match the gun’s style.

AK-47 Jet Set

Meanwhile, this handsome just blends wonderfully with the texture of the skin. A very funny weapon finish, which also differs from the rest in an unusual presentation of a seemingly quite ordinary idea.

AUG Syd Mead

Syd Mead looks like a gun from Doom, Mass Effect or some other futuristic game. It’s all thanks to the author’s decent idea: in this case, there are no interesting textures or pearlescent tricks, only a high-quality implementation of a great idea. By the way, do you know where these three characters would fit – P71?

P90 Vent Rush

Great work by de_puiseau, author of many other incredible skins that look like they’re from other games. The ideas for Vent Rush are taken directly from Wolfenstein and de_puiseau’s own game, Midnight Ghost Hunt. Very detailed and interesting skin.

MAC-10 Pipe Down

Это изображение имеет пустой атрибут alt; его имя файла - mac10-750x422.png

The compilation closes with a brilliant work of, what would you think, de_puiseau! There’s nothing to even say here, just look at the screenshot (or better get one for yourself, because it only costs about four bucks).

It’s cool that most unusual skins with unique elements can be different: just brainiac design solutions or technical ideas implemented perfectly. Maybe if Valve suddenly decides to add Source 2 to CS:GO, they will also allow a little bit to change skin models, and we will see even more incredible ideas.

By the way, there are many other great collections on our blog, for example, Pro Players’ Favourite Skins or one made for rock and metal music fans: Metal Heart Skins.




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