Cheapest CS:GO Knives 2025


Every single CS:GO and CS2 player wants to have at least one knife in their inventory because, without one, it could be hardly called complete. Still, knives have a significant distinctive feature: the best cheap knives are very, very hard to find. While the rarest options can cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Today, CS.MONEY Blog has selected the five best cheap knives in CS:GO and CS2 for 2025. Choose the best cheap knife for yourself, click on the button or its name, and proceed to purchase!

cheapest csgo and cs2 knives listed ranked falchion paracord hunstman knife prices 2023

By the way, you can easily access the full list of knives skins available at CS.MONEY simply by this link: Buy Knives Skins. Every single knives skin, just find what you want and go for it!

But let’s move to the list of the cheapest knives in CS in 2025. It’s worth noting that they used to be even cheaper, but due to the upcoming release of CS2, prices have skyrocketed noticeably. So, if you’re considering buying a knife, don’t hesitate!

Shadow Daggers Autotronic, the cheapest daggers

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Two blades for the price of one! Isn’t that cool? Morever, this pair is made in red and white with an additional metal mesh inserted between the blades. Very stylish and clean design. More importantly, this and the other items on the list are relatively popular with the community. Shadow Daggers Autotronic is easy to buy and sell. Therefore, this is not only a collectable item, but also a good investment.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Shadow Daggers Autotronic Field-Tested for ~$135

Paracord Knife Urban Masked, the cheapest knife in CS:GO

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Paracord knives are one of the latest additions to the game. Fortunately, most of these knives are not very expensive. But we are looking for the best cheap knives in CS in 2025, right? So, the greatest option, considering all the context, would be a Paracord Knife Urban Masked. Inexpensive, camouflaged, with shades of grey and white spots. And its handle also has white spots. A nice addition to any inventory.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Paracord Knife Urban Masked Field-Tested for ~$135

Huntsman Knife Bright Water, the cheapest huntsman knife

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Bright skins attract more attention. Valve knows this, which is why some skins are rarer and, therefore, more expensive the brighter they get. Fortunately, this doesn’t apply to knives. Huntsman Knife Bright Water‘s blade is tinted in shades of blue, recalling Navy or Cost Guards. Thanks to this, the knife looks bright and stands out well against the landscape of most competitive maps.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Huntsman Knife Bright Water Field-Tested for ~$140

Survival Knife Stained, a cheap white knife

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Survival Knife’s distinctive feature is its intricate blade shape. A tiny hook, a hole in the middle, a tempting carve of blade, and some spikes. Its handle is also loaded with details. Survival Knife Stained‘s edge is milky and has dark spots and lines in contrast to the black handle. Looks sharp!

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Survival Knife Stained Field-Tested for ~$140

Falchion Knife Freehand, the cheapest falchion

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Falchion Knife Freehand is different from any other Freehand patterned knife. The thing is, it’s patterned not only on the blade but also on the handle! You can see the untouched white part of the knife in the middle, where the blade connects to the handle. A little too bright, you may say, but we think it’s a good point because your enemies wouldn’t take you seriously when they should. And it’s purple, which is a great colour!

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Falchion Knife Freehand Field-Tested for ~$165

By the way, you can easily access the full list of knives skins available at CS.MONEY simply by this link: Buy Knives Skins. Every single knives skin, just find what you want and go for it!




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