Best Rio Major Stickers + Weapon Combos


Valve has finally released a stickers capsule dedicated to the Major in Brazil! Nothing new here: the same qualities (paper, gold, glitter, etc.), team capsules for three different stages, and of course, individual player stickers. Oh yeah, the Viewer Pass is out also, so don’t forget to set your Pick’Ems!

And we’ve also hidden a promo code for GameChanger Hub in this article!

But in this CS.MONEY Blog post, we will help you decide which skins are perfect for brand-new stickers. Surely, no one insists on putting your drops on these skins (after all, you are free to do whatever your heart desires), and at the same time, we understand that you can invest in them (that is, you don’t have to apply them anywhere at all). In this selection, we just decided to highlight those skins that will combine well in terms of colours and the theme. Viva Brasil!

CZ75-Auto | Emerald Quartz

This tannic green CZ skin was chosen precisely because of its dark tones. The new stickers are quite bright, and the contrast works well with this design. In addition, it looks like the mystical jungles of the Amazon! 

AK-47 | Jaguar and AK-47 | Panthera onca

Jaguars and panthers are the spirit animals of South America. Swift and deadly, just like the AK-47 itself, these predators symbolise CS:GO Attacking side. And once again, the rather dark tones of these skins make it possible to play with light greenish stickers.

Glock-18 | Franklin

If this isn’t one of the best guns to place your stickers, huh? All cash! Obviously, the gold stickers sit flawlessly on such a Glock. A huge stylistic plus of this skin is the dollar bills’ green shade. 10/10 match!

MAC-10 | Disco Tech

If you get a glossy or glitter one, Disco Tech by hexeth will be a decent choice for Rio Major stickers and any other glitter or holo sticker in the future (or any past Majors, if you wish).

USP-S | Para Green

Minimalistic and black, Para Green can be essential to highlighting your brand-new stickers. No matter which one you get, they will apply perfectly to this UPS-S skin. Moreover, Para Green will remain invisible among the wild jungles of South America. Or on Ancient. First part of the promo code: VQC.

AWP | Corticera and P2000 | Corticera

The design of Corticera also fits well with the overall idea of ​​the Brazilian tournament and the culture of this country (although it is an explicit reference to European cork oak). However, discreet and shadowed colours again, dark tones and, by the way, a relatively high price. A fantastic combination for Rio Major stickers.

M4A1-S | Basilisk

It’s pretty tricky with the Defenders’ guns: for some reason, most of them are too colourful or simply unsuitable for the newest stickers. However, Basilisk can be a superb fit in its usual minimalistic style. Especially for the golden players’ autographs. The second part of the promo code: YVV.

UMP-45 | Plastique

Plastique unexpectedly appears in our selection, recalling the primary goal of the game: plant the C4. A good mixture of shades and a specific paint scheme does well with the new CS GO stickers. In addition, this is a perfect budget skin!

Of course, you can apply stickers on any gun in your inventory: Printstream, ECO, or even Melondrama. By the way, we highly recommend reading the article about SCARY skins we wrote for the Halloween celebration! And to avoid missing other compilations and exciting pieces from our website, subscribe to the newsletter in the box below. GLHF!




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