Ancient & Antique: A Skins Selection


The Roman Empire fell almost two thousand years ago but its aesthetics will never die. Columns, arches, togas, purple and red colors, laurel wreaths were popularized by Rome and Romans. The cultural footprint is so big that it is even in the skins. Today CS.MONEY Blog has collected for you a selection of ancient antique skins in CS2 based on the Roman Empire aesthetics.

By the way, you can buy all these skins using links or special buttons down below to jump right to CS.MONEY! Just click and choose your best options.

P2000 Imperial

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P2000 Imperial is based on a rich red color with gold patterns and accents applied on top. The whole thing is reminiscent of the design of a Roman legionnaire’s shield, making it an ideal candidate for a place in today’s selection.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: P2000 Imperial Factory New for $0.50

Glock-18 Royal Legion

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Some historians believe that Roman legionnaires were almost forced to decorate their weapons. Like, it’d be too silly to drop or forget a beautiful and expensive blade on the battlefield. Well, it would definitely be a shame to swap Glock-18 Royal Legion for another skin.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Glock-18 Royal Legion Field-Tested for $2

Desert Eagle Heirloom

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At first glance, there is little antiquity in Desert Eagle Heirloom‘s design. But here’s a fun fact: these golden swirls are inspired by scrolls, look for Rollwerk if you want to learn more about it. In other words, Desert Eagle Heirloom is a weapon made specifically for Roman nobles.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Desert Eagle Heirloom Minimal Wear for $9

FAMAS Eye of Athena

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Athena is a goddess from Greek mythology. However, the Romans adopted it, simply renaming some of the characters. Athena became Minevra while her owl remained in place, as did the title of Goddess of War. FAMAS Eye of Athena looks very cool and epic for an ancient skin in CS2.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: FAMAS Eye of Athena Field-Tested for $5

M4A1-S Basilisk

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One of the first mentions of the basilisk was made by the ancient Roman historian, Pliny the Elder. It’s a dangerous and poisonous snake that can kill silently, with just one glance. M4A1-S Basilisk doesn’t let you kill with a glance, but it’s quite capable of making frags silently.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: M4A1-S Basilisk Minimal Wear for $7

AK-47 Steel Delta

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Roman legionaries conquered not only all of Europe, but also North Africa. This is how Egyptian motifs penetrated into ancient culture. AK-47 Steel Delta is covered with either a map or a pattern of Nile River waves. A worthy candidate for today’s selection!

CS.MONEY’s Choice: AK-47 Steel Delta Minimal Wear for $2

AWP Black Nile

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AK-47 Steel Delta will be accompanied by AWP Black Nile. Both are made in dark colors and use a similar pattern. They also come in the same price range—an ideal combo for the thrifty collector’s inventory!

CS.MONEY’s Choice: AWP Black Nile Minimal Wear for $2

Kukri Knife Stained

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The kukri knife has roots in ancient Greece and Egypt, while Roman historians repeatedly noted the danger of such knives. In CS2, Kukri Knife Stained can also kill an enemy with one hit, despite them wearing body armor.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Kukri Knife Stained Field-Tested for $350

Sport Gloves Slingshot

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It was one hell of a task to choose a fitting pair of gloves here. We ultimately settled on Sport Gloves Slingshot, as its combination of red and white looks great and goes with all the skins from this collection. An excellent addition to an antique inventory.

CS.MONEY’s Choice: Sport Gloves Slingshot Field-Tested for $950

Here goes the inventory of a brutal but sophisticated legionnaire. The question remains: where can you get ancient Roman skins in CS2? Of course on CS.MONEY! All skins are available on Market or Trade at low prices. So just come in and shop!




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