From Danger Zone to regular matches: three ideas for new devices


Novelties, as such, are very rare in the Counter-Strike series. A vivid example: for twenty consecutive years, the main weapon in the game has been the AK-47. We at CS.MONEY blog asked ourselves a question: what devices could the devs add to the competitive mode? 

Initially, we wanted to suggest ideas from other online shooters. Such as the grappling hook from APEX Legends or the heartbeat sensor from Call of Duty. But those things blurred the concept. Another thing to consider was the feasibility. So we decided to limit ourselves to the devices which, in one way or another, have already appeared in the game.


Unlike regular matches, the Danger Zone mode offers players access to a whole arsenal of melee weapons, from fists to a hammer. There’s also an axe that can be thrown, resulting in 60 units of damage if the hit is successful. Note that body armor absorbs half of the damage. 

At first, the idea of throwing axes at enemies seems wild. After all, this addition makes it possible for the whole team to engage one enemy in a 5-v.-1 scenario and make an instant frag by throwing the axe. However, this method has a downside. First, the axe flies at the pace of a grenade and can be dodged. Second, this throw will leave you without a weapon.

To sum up, it’s unlikely that the import of the axe from Danger Zone will ruin the balance. But just imagine how much more exciting knife rounds could become through this addition. After all, they’ve resembled a squad fight without the slightest use of tactics for a long while now.

Tactical Awareness Grenade

The grenade from the cooperative mode can become a convenient expendable for competitive matches. Its working principle is simple: after a Tactical Awareness Grenade is thrown, it sticks to the surface and beeps. Two seconds later, it emits a pulse that goes through walls and marks your opponents for three seconds. 

Sounds pretty tough. A legal three-second wallhack in capable hands could be extremely powerful, even with those two seconds of activation. Adding such a device to the game would require its revision and significant weakening. For example, the full-fledged silhouette marking could be replaced with a special signal that’d indicate that the enemy is near. 

After those modifications, the Tactical Awareness Grenade may well enter the meta. Of course, this will cause a wave of indignation in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community. But so did the appearance of the incendiary grenade, which is now a staple at any level of play.

Bump Mine or ExoJump Boots

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive offers very limited vertical movement. Unless you count ladders and crates, there’s barely a way for a player to go up without someone’s assistance. Standing on each other’s shoulders is a great technique that requires teamwork. But Valve has already made several steps to achieve players’ independence. Remember, for instance, the bench on Mirage, which can be used by a single player to climb up through the window. Surprisingly, this doesn’t ruin the balance on the map. 

Maybe it’s time to take the next step and add the Bump Mine or the ExoJump Boots to the competitive mode. The former simply tosses up anyone who steps on it, which could cause problems in tight spaces. Just imagine how hard it would be to pass through the vent on Nuke with a couple of these mines placed around. But even so, Bump Mine might be a great addition to the competitive mode.

With the ExoJump Boots, things are simpler. They greatly increase the height of the owner’s jump. After setting the appropriate price and a little bit of a nerfing, this tool could be brought to matchmaking without too much change in the gameplay. A one-time self-boost is unlikely to turn matches into a circus acrobat show. Rather, it would expand the tactical flexibility of both defense and attack. 




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