CS2 vs CS:GO: Main Aspects Comparison


Counter-Strike 2 is just around the corner, and the most dedicated CS fans are gathering every bit of information about their favourite game’s new era. However, many people, for various reasons, are not closely following all the news. CS.MONEY Blog comes to the rescue: we prepared a special CS:GO vs CS2 guide, briefly outlining all the key differences between CS:GO and CS2.

csgo vs cs2 main differences maps weapons skins all info ultimate guide

CS2 will gather everyone’s attention when it finally drops. Some (let’s be honest—most) will probably want to buy skins, which may cause their price to rise. But you can prepare for it beforehand and update your inventory with CS.MONEY. Also, check out our CS2-dedicated website where we compare skins and prices between versions and offer investment advice.

CS2 vs CS:GO Weapon Buy Menu

csgo vs cs2 buy weapon menu

CS2’s Buy Menu is one of the main gameplay changes. It may seems insignificant, but don’t underestimate it. Before a CS2 match starts, you have to choose fifteen weapons you can use during the game: five pistols, five rifles, and five mid-tier weapons. On one hand, this narrows down the choices in CS2 compared to CS:GO. On the other hand, most players don’t use more than ten different weapons anyways.

New Smokes in CS2

Another aspect that makes it difficult to compare CS:GO vs CS2 is the smoke grenades. New smokes look amazing visually, but the gaps from HE explosions or sprays can lead to significant tactical changes. Smokes work differently in the new game version, and players will have to get used to it. Learn the differneces through the official CS2 video guide.

Subticks and Movements in CS2

With the transition to the new engine, CS2 developers also decided to update, or should we say rework, the netcode. Valve decided to put an end to the debate about how critical servers 128-tickrate servers are, and came up with their own alternative solution. Typical.

We analyzed the new CS2 tickrate (aka, The Subtick) mechanic in detail in a separate article (click on the picture below and read), but it’s still too early to tell confidently. While the game is in Closed Beta, a lot can still change.

subtick in cs2 explained guide tickrate 64 and 128

Lightning and Textures

If we compare CS2 vs CS:GO in terms of graphics and visuals, the latter has no chances. CS2 just looks gorgeous with its new improved lighting working from more points and in new physics. Moreover, the additional effects like breaking glass or flowing water no longer be technologically outdated.

Such improvements might not drastically affect gameplay, but they will certainly enhance your gaming experience. A more beautiful game encourages spending more time in it, which Valve completely understands.

Skins: CS2 vs CS:GO

We can talk about skins endlessly, but the fact remains: skins are way better in CS2 vs CS:GO. Source 2 visually improved different textures and the overall lightning, so many skins look upgraded. It’s still unknown when new CS2 skins will appear, but waiting for their release might not be the wisest strategy. After all, you can already play with cool weapon finishes, and with the influx of new gamers, current CS:GO skins might become profitable investments.

Once again, we’ve made a special website dedicated to skins in CS2 and everything connected. So for a more detailed skins comparison and talks about prices, click here!

Maps in CS2 vs CS:GO

Another significant CS2 vs CS:GO comparison aspect is the maps. Valve mentioned that all maps were divided into three categories, and went through different grades of changes based on this. The most work has been done on Overpass and Italy, but and surely on the newest Inferno, which has just been releaes and looks just fantastic.

Will CS:GO become CS2?

We know for sure that all your CS:GO skins will be available in Counter-Strike 2. But whether these two versions will exist simultaneously remains at Valve’s discretion. When Dota 2 updated its engine, there were two parallel game versions co-existing for a while, but eventually, the older client was completely replaced.

Currently, players with access to the CS2 beta can choose between two versions when launching, but how long this will last is unknown.

All the changes we’ve mentioned are significant, but CS2 is not limited to them. We’re eagerly anticipating the upcoming game release and believe that the new era of Counter-Strike will be as glorious as the Global Offensive era.

And the skins! They will look a hundred times better! Want even more comparisons in one place? Watch here!




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