Universal soldier: how s1mple did 81 kills from 17 different weapons


The first matches weren’t so easy for Natus Vincere at ESL Pro League Season 11. In multiple interviews, during the IEM Katowice 2020, Alexander s1mple Kostylev told the current roster – best in NAVI’s CS:GO tag story and probably the best team in the world right now. It seemed like the truth – the tournament had been won without any problems, the team got first place in the hltv.org rating, high morality, and overall coherence, what can go wrong? 

Simple thing – replacing LAN tournaments online. Coronavirus, that had been called the world’s pandemic, left a mark at even the esports. Tournaments with no crowd, changing into online, and in some cases – postponement and even the cancellations of events – a serious blow to players and viewers, also as to the whole industry. Some teams had played online last time a couple of years ago. The last online match for Natus Vincere was in 2018. From one hand – home environment, lack of tension and crowd cheating, from another hand – years of preparing to play in these conditions. So, it seems that some teams can’t show their actual performance because of that. 

But, despite the not best game of his team, s1mple keep showing his phenomenal form even in online. Years of playing in FPL manifest themselves. In the match against BIG S1mple did 81 frags for 2 maps. Especially s1mple played good for his own economics – AWP saving rounds and Desert Eagle’s ecos been so much. Like as the kills by weapons that were found in the round – the most profitable was the taken syrsoN’s AWP Wildfire – 19 kills The second place – flamie’s Souvenir AWP Acheron – 8 kills. But, by his own AWP Gungnir – only 5. The overall count of used during the game weapons – 27 (Even one kill – 17), nearly the game’s end even burnt his opponent by Molotov cocktail. 

Economic calculation is an important part of competitive Counter-Strike, but, even if you have not enough money and a huge losing streak, only one captured weapon can change the match’s result. is




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