Key Inferno nades: A site


Inferno is currently one the most popular maps among pros. Casual players dig it too. It’s exactly for these latter that the CS.MONEY Blog is going to elaborate on the basic nades at A Site on this map.

While the mechanics of throwing grenades in CS:GO isn’t rocket science, we suggest that you read our guide to understand it better. There, we’ve covered everything you need to know in great detail.

Basic smokes at A Site

Arguably the most popular smokes at A Site are placed by the Ts to cut off one of two positions: short or long. Let’s figure out how to execute them simply and safely.

Smoke towards short

To throw a smoke that blocks short, press against that corner at second mid. Then aim at the roof’s corner. Just make the normal throw — and your way to long is now open, enabling your team to attack the A Site or execute a B-split. 

Smoke towards long

The smoke at long is thrown from about the same position. You just need to take a few steps to the left, so that the corner of the roof is aligned with the wall of the neighboring building. Hold the crosshair just above the lower wire. Just like in the first case, make a standard throw.

Cutting off rotation from B

Arch smoke

The next smoke will make it more difficult for the CTs to rotate from the B Site. We’re talking about the arch smoke. To pull it off, you need to stand facing the wall of the building at mid. The architectural landmarks of Inferno will help you again: use the same roof as a reference point.

Library smoke

From here, you can also throw a smoke towards library. First, align your crosshair with this corner of the roof. Then, move it upwards until its center is aligned with the wire. Next, make your throw. After you cover arch and library with smokes, nothing should stop you from attacking the A Site.

Smoke for a B-split

To execute a B-split, you and your team will need to cover more than just library. Surely one of your opponents will want to counter push long with a flashbang or to hold that position from moto. In this case, you can throw a smoke to pass through the arch. You need to get to the corner at ribs, aim just to the left of the space between the shutters, and make a jumpthrow.

Entering A made easier

Smoke towards moto

Occasionally, there will be an AWPer at library. This will make it very difficult for the Ts to pass through short. A smoke at sands will help the attackers to make their way to the A site. Take a familiar position, aim as shown in the second screenshot, and release the LMB.

Flashbang towards pit

One flash can change the outcome of an entire round. If your team is getting ready for the apps execution, throw this flashbang to support them. It’s simple yet exceptionally effective. Throw this nade while crouching. Lean against the wall at apps, aim at the bottom of the pipe, and make the throw.

CTs’ countermeasures

Flashbang towards short from pit

The CTs, too, have a number of interesting nade options. For instance, if you’re fending off your enemy from pit, you can throw a flash at short, guaranteed to blind your opponents. Come close to the corner near the yellow doors, aim at this area here, and perform the throw while walking.

Molotov for the retake

A Site on Inferno is one of the most difficult bombsites to retake. To make this objective easier, CTs can throw Molotov at the plant spot. To this end, go to the left edge of the window, aim between the two protrusions, and make a jumpthrow.

There are numerous variations of smokes thrown at long, short, library, and arch. The same goes for setting the plant site on fire. We’ve shown you basic and easy nades that don’t take much time to practice. And while you wait for the Inferno B site nades, check out the ones we’ve prepared for Overpass, Mirage, and Dust2 (all key nades). Study the game and improve together with CS.MONEY.




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