Today’s selection of Workshop skins includes a decent Glock-18 to solve the toughest dilemma, 2minds’ newest addition, and a Desert Eagle inspired by Battle Royale. So sit back and enjoy CS.MONEY Blog presents the top five skins from the Workshop over the past month.
Glock-18 FIFTY 50

For the first time in ages, there’s a skin that really helps in the game. Two artists, cimota and psp, created the Glock-18 FIFTY 50, and this skin may answer one eternal question. What’s best: rush A or rush B? Now you do not need to torture yourself with discussions of tactics or negotiations with allies. It is enough to throw this skin and immediately find out the answer!
By the way, have you seen Cimota’s interview about Recoil Case’s P250 Visions? We strongly recommend it! [link]
One side of the gun is painted red with the text Rush B; the other side is all blue and has Rush A on it. Thanks to this, Glock-18 FIFTY 50 works like a coin. Just throw it, check the outcome, and act accordingly! Well, although, there’s a chance of a conflict if several players have such a skin at once. The only way to rule this out is to be the first to throw! By the way, the same duet has another decisive skin, having A and B replaced with ECO and BUY. Do you like this type of skins? Share in the comments below!
MAC-10 Hidden Gem (Blue)

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive already has more than two dozen works from the 2minds studio, and today’s skin can be the next addition to this list. MAC-10 Hidden Gem comes in two color schemes, we chose the blue one, and it looks amazing.
A praying mantis with open wings welcomes you. Its image occupies almost the entire side of MAC-10, in addition to the insect, a floral ornament, and a moon crescent. We note the pattern on the background, which looks like paintings by Van Gogh and AK-47 Nightwish. A very interesting skin that would look great in the next case.
Desert Eagle Keeping Tabs

CS:GO’s Battle Royale mode feels undeservedly forgotten. There has been a little more than one show match played in it, and sometimes Valve adds new maps. Unfortunately. But Debski’s new creation radiates a little bit of love for Danger Zone. His Desert Eagle skin, Keeping Tabs, is covered in a tactical map pattern from the Battle Royale mode.
The idea resulted in a fascinating thing. The pistol grip is covered in black; this is perhaps the most tedious part of the skin. We hope the author will make it a little more intriguing in the next version. The rest of the pistol’s surface is covered with hexes that are being devoured in a red veil. Just like in the BR! In addition to the hexagons, you can also distinguish the map and individual buildings on it—charming artwork with a good idea and decent execution.

P90 belongs to a rare type of guns in CS:GO. This submachine gun has a non-standard layout. Like AUG, P90 has a magazine not in its usual place, on top of the handle. Because of this, the gun has a very bizarre shape. There is almost no space for designs on the front side, but there is a whole canvas on the back.
dC^ and Mia used this canvas to create what looks like a toad made of waves. Or is it a turtle? Or maybe some other animal. In addition to this creature’s face, the rest of the skin is decorated with pink and orange elements, and pastel purple is chosen as the background color.
TEC-9 Road Rage

“Scavenged” skins are rare in CS:GO. And it’s not surprising because most players like bright skins, not rusty junk pieces. However, there is also a small community of such style adherents. To their delight, another weapon finish appeared in the Workshop to please some of the fans.
Sparkwire and Druida have created a skin that would look equally cool in the hands of Mad Max universe inhabitants or the arsenal of steampunk adventurers. Road Rage receives separate points for a successful play with the back of a pistol: there’s somewhat of a helmet that looks at the player. Wow!