Weird & Cringe Workshop Concepts


Steam Workshop is one of Valve Corporation’s most brilliant ideas. It concentrates the community’s combined creative power and allows the most talented authors to earn money. By the way, we have some great and interesting interviews with successful skin creator you can find via the Celebrities tab above. However, not all works are… cheerful, wholesome or at least have an idea behind them. Sometimes, concepts from the Workshop are weird, odd, cringe and whatnot. What did the skin creator want to express? Why did they come up with such a design? What the hell is depicted? In this article, CS.MONEY Blog looks at examples of strange, incomprehensible, and even cringe weapon finishes.

cringe workshop skins steam

We are not planning to mock or ridicule any skin reactors: anyone can be hurt by criticism, and we would like people to continue creating and producing masterpieces. And if reading this material makes you want to buy any particular skin, we have an easy way for you to do it: just jump to CS.MONEY and buy whatever you like!

Glock-18 Lemon-Lime pattern

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, huh. But what if you use them to make a CS:GO skin? Someone already thought of it. Glock-18 Lemon Lime has some symbolism that the citrus fruits seem to be covered in mould as the quality (float value) fades. However, this design seems too simple and not competed, not even mentioning the overall out-of-CS:GO style.

M4A4 Note

“All ideas are first embodied on paper.” The creator of this concept decided to turn the M4 into a big sketchbook. It has some drawings, scribbles, and a scary but cute face. The idea behind M4A4 Note‘s concept seems interesting, but the popularity of the M4 requires much brighter work.

Desert Eagle I See You

This concept was inspired by professional players’ accuracy. You know, when they easily one-tap their enemies with a legendary gun. Desert Eagle I See You looks as stylish and intriguing as it is frightening. And not in a good way suitable for a Dreams & Nightmares II Case. Why did an eye apple, writhing from the handle, become the symbol of accuracy? Why was a black-and-white colour scheme chosen? Moreover, this design looks a little plain and comic to be a CS:GO skin.


A bright and unusual skin for Glock-18 with an adorable and funny cat ready to rush B. Glock-18 CAT ATTACC‘s colour scheme and chosen style may not appeal to everyone, but it is still an issue of taste. The question that torments us much more is why the cat on a Glock-18 skin holds a Desert Eagle? Seems a little cringy.

AK-47 Holo Psychedelic

This AK-47 skin concept is dazzling. We have nothing against psychedelic art: for example, Chrisparra and his P250 Visions were cool enough to make it into the game. By the way, if you want to read the history of P250 Visions and the identity of the author, click the link.

In this case, Yedoc1991, the creator of AK-47 Holo Psychedelic, mixed different ingredients into one. This gun surely has Woodstock vibes. But why is the word Disco inscribed on the mag? Is this all a post-modern piece of art or a simple post-irony?

Five-SeveN Chicken’s Nightmare

We all love chickens in CS:GO. These poor animals become targets in Deathmatch, people shoot at them during warm-up, and they are also sometimes targeted during matches. But judging by Five-SeveN Chicken’s Nightmare, most of all, chickens fear not to be killed but to be sent to KFC of some kind after death instead of heaven. We would like to ask you to look the chicken in the eye, but unfortunately, during the game, it is covered by the fingers holding the weapon.

P250 So Fresh, So Clean

Clearly, the source of inspiration for this skin was Outkast’s famous song. And also USA’s street culture. P250 So Fresh, So Clean is a typical representation of graffiti; however, society has not yet come to a unified version of whether spray painting is art or simple vandalism. Applies to this skin, too.

MP9 Scary Smile

You don’t have to be a genius detective to understand which supervillain inspired MP9 Scary Smile. Joker has been one of the most popular comic book characters for the past two or three decades; he’s iconic. But what the hell is this duck behind the green hair? Why does Joker himself look like a fish with a red nose? Moreover, Joker didn’t wear a red clown nose! Why is only the central part of the weapon painted but nothing else? Only unanswered questions.

CS:GO skins is an infinite platform for artists’ self-expression. Most of the skins we see in CS:GO can be considered works of art. But Steam Workshop has a lot of skins that still need polishing or re-imagining. Anyways, don’t forget to visit CS.MONEY if you decide to update your inventory.




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