Rarest & Most Expensive Desert Eagle Skins


A skin’s rarity determines its price, and you might think that the rarer the skin, the bigger the cost. It may seem logical, but that’s not quite true. CS.MONEY Blog made a research on the rarest skins for Desert Eagle to show you how prices form according to the amount of available items.

rarest and most expensive desert eagle skins

All Desert Eagle skins from this article and any other you would like are available in a couple of clicks CS.MONEY Trade. It’s the easiest way to buy skins!

By the way, you can easily access the full list of Desert Eagle skins available at CS.MONEY simply by this link: Buy Desert Eagle Skins. Every single Deagle skin, just find what you want and go for it!

Top 10 Rarest Skins For Desert Eagle

Before we name the top, try to guess the rarest Desert Eagle skin and write its name in the comments. Done? Well, if you chose Blaze, Fennec Fox or Emerald Jörmungandr, we have to upset you. The top 10 rarest deagle skins include:

  1. Pilot with 8203 skins
  2. Hand Cannon with 8377 skins
  3. Sunset Storm 壱 with 11,549 skins
  4. Sunset Storm 弐 with 11,724 skins
  5. Golden Koi with 20,327 skins
  6. Blaze with 27,168 skins
  7. Fennec Fox with 28,561 skin
  8. Emerald Jörmungandr with 31,035 skins
  9. Hypnotic with around 60,000 skins
  10. Ocean Drive with around 98,000 skins

So, the rarer the skin, the bigger the price, eh? Following this rule, Desert Eagle Pilot should be the most expensive. But no, it’s not. Desert Eagle Blaze, Fennec Fox and Hand Cannon can cost over a thousand dollars while Pilot would be only around three hundred. Can you guess why? And just before we start, consider visiting CS.MONEY Trade: we have a lot of skins at a price lower than on Steam and superfast deals. Dump your old stuff at CS.MONEY!

Where Do Rare Skins Come From?

Rare CS:GO skins appear by two conditions. First: some skins have a limited number of items. For example, Sunset Storm 壱 and Sunset Storm 弐 skins belong to The Rising Sun Collection. This collection is no longer available to players, so the market has a limited number of skins and is not growing.

Also, the number of some rare skins drop with time. Besides the natural reasons like people abandoning their accounts, there are a couple of others. One of the most popular options is trade-up contracts. By the way, we explained how they work in a separate article. Trade-Up contracts basically require you to choose 10 skins, lose them forever, and get 1 skin instead, but higher in rarity.

Why Do Rare Skins Have Different Prices?

If both conditions are met, we get a rare and expensive skin. See, Desert Eagle Hand Cannon is very rare and expensive. Less than 10,000 items, and the cheapest one will cost around $500. All because you can’t get new skins from The Cobblestone Collection, and this particular Deagle is used in Trade Up contracts to get M4A1-S Knight. This M4A1-S skin, in turn, is used in contracts to craft AWP Dragon Lore..

However, if one of these conditions is not met, a rare skin won’t become super expensive. Yes, Desert Eagle Pilot is the rarest Deagle skin. But it’s barely in the top ten most expensive. The thing is, apart from rarity, nothing stimulates its price. The next rarity-leveled skin in The Baggage collection is AK-47 Jet Set. It looks cool but clearly doesn’t have the same community recognition and fame as Desert Eagle Blaze or AWP Dragon Lore.

As a result, Desert Eagle Pilot finds itself in a situation of low demand with low supply, compared to other rare skins. And this affects its price. There are four times more Desert Eagle Blaze skins, but at the same time, they are the same number of times more expensive than Desert Eagle Pilot.

The Rarest & The Most Expensive Desert Eagle Skins

Let’s summarize. A skin’s price is formed according to the most basic principle: the higher the demand and the lower the supply, the higher the price. Rare deagle skins perfectly reflects this theory. Desert Eagle Pilot, being the rarest deagle skin, is not the most expensive. And vice versa: Desert Eagle Blaze is not even in the top five in terms of rarity, but it is the most expensive deagle skin.

Moreover, if you apply stickers to any of these skins (some will look better than others), it will increase their values astronomically. And if you want to see more Deagle skins, remember that all Desert Eagle skins are available here.

By the way, if you don’t have stickers on your main skins, we advise you to buy them at low prices at CS.MONEY Trade!




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