Find out how well you know about skins. Easter Test


In case you don’t know, Easter Eggs are hidden references and secrets left by game developers for users to find them. These can affect the gameplay or be completely harmless, like small posters. Easter Eggs are a pretty common thing, so you can find them in almost all games; some of them are so deep that you have to crack the code and look in it, and some lie calmly on the surface for us to discover. Sometimes the process of finding an Egg can be more fun than opening it!

And CS:GO is no exception. Valve, the developers, are very fond of tying up their games with Easter Eggs as if hinting at the multiverse and hiding funny and interesting things right in front of our noses. And Skins Designers try to follow Valve’s footsteps all the time, placing tiny Easter Eggs in their works. Many of them you already know, but there are those we never noticed right away.

Here comes a special Easter Quiz! Let’s test your knowledge: we have ten questions about skins and stickers based on their Easter Eggs. Complete the test and get a promo code to participate in SPRING SKIN HUNT! Promotion dates: April 18-30.

Well, boaster, are you ready?




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