Who are these no-names? Where team HEET came from


If you look at the list of teams attending the European RMR tournament, you can see many familiar names, as well as new clubs for whom this is their first big event. One team that caught our eye was HEET, a pretty obscure club featuring experienced players. The CS.MONEY Blog is here to tell you about the guys who play in this roster.

The lineup played for a year with no sponsors — and didn’t disband

NBK. Source: HLTV

The club HEET signed the French lineup in January 2022. Prior to that, the players had performed a year without sponsors and lived on their winnings and prize money. The team existed under the tag DBL Poney.

The first version of the roster was different from today’s: on board the ship was no less a person than Nathan “NBK-” Schmitt, a Major champion. At the time, he’d left OG and was looking for a new roster. Nathan represented DBL Poney until May and then switched to Valorant.

DBL Poney’s accomplishments include appearances in two RMR tournaments and victories in small-scale tournaments. The guys’ main objective was to find an organization. To this end, of course, they had to show some results.

Who plays for HEET: two ex-G2 players and a Frenchman who weren’t good assets in top teams

Bodyy. Source: HLTV

The HEET lineup is as follows: Bodyy, Lucky, Djoko, Ex3rcise, and Afro. These names are certainly unfamiliar to most people. An old-time viewer, however, will remember at least two members.

Bodyy is the in-game leader and oldest member of HEET, 25 years old. From 2016 to 2019, he played for G2, once the strongest team in France. Together with the club, Bodyy won four trophies. Notably, G2 didn’t get any other cups after his departure.

Bodyy is an experienced player who has attended many top tournaments, including six Majors. Nevertheless, he only made it out of the group at one event.

Lucky is another player with experience in G2. Yet his achievements are much more modest: zero trophies and two Major appearances. Still, Lucky looks like a pretty solid player compared to the rest of the squad. And who are these others, anyway?

The three remaining players are Frenchmen who have never played in top teams. It’s safe to say that HEET is currently the pinnacle of their career.

HEET’s roster isn’t young. The average age of the team is 23.8. Besdies, the team got a coach this year: 27-year-old Matthend. He boasts 5-year-long professional gaming career, most of which he spent in LDLC. As you must have guessed, it’s not a lineup that ever won a Major.

HEET is a good tier-2 team. The French are currently ranked 20th and haven’t dropped out of the top 30 in 32 weeks. What awaits them at the RMR tournament is hard to say, though. The Swiss system with no subsequent playoff is a pretty favorable situation for an underdog.

HEET is an example to all the other CS players who’ve been unable to find a club and sponsors for a long time. No matter what, the players continued to play together and not lose hope. And it’s definitely not easy to do that after almost a year of performing on pure enthusiasm alone.




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