Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is often creating funny moments. Flash kills (not flash-assists, literally kills by flashbang), death by ground fall, burning in Molotov – it’s not far the full list of how ridiculously you can die in this game. It seems like it can happen only in a public match or, at least, in low-ranks matchmaking, but not in pro-scene!
But no, there are so many common situations for all CS esports history. Recordsman in this, as for me, Danylo Zeus Teslenko – respectful, but funny ex-NAVI IGL. Casters still discussing his mystic relations with fire. And without him, NAVI continues to do these funny deaths in pro matches. The most offensive from it – death while inspecting the weapon. Such an irony – the button that bonded to inspect weapon in game – is “F”.
In retake B site Ilya Perfecto Zalutskiy went to banana where he died inspecting his beautiful M4A4 Neo-Noire.

We wouldn’t try to predict the result of this retake if Perfecto won’t press this button – he doesn’t even expect his opponent.
So we just tell you about other inspecting skins lovers. One of them as you can think – Egor flamie Vasilev. For whole Blast Premier Spring Series 2020 he inspected his weapon for 27 minutes – it’s the average length of win maps NAVI in Blast after comeback against Astralis. The next is NAF from Team Liquid – he inspected his gun for 28 minutes. The first place got mantuu from the new OG roster – 38 minutes! All stats are taken from

Skins became the part of any CS:GO – casual and pro. Often you can notice that pro players have the most beautiful, rare and most expensive skins which hard not to look at. But do this better in routine parts of round – at the start and at the end. But, I am still waiting for headshot kill while Desert Eagle spin animation – at the pro scene such moment immediately will be placed in greatest highlights of CS:GO.